17 - These Bright Flames

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"Alright, listeners!" 

Present Mic spoke and the cheers of the crowd increased. The camera flashes were also flashing, a little too much. All attention was on the two competitors in the arena.  "The first match of the semi-finals is here! With both challengers being children of pros, this is definitely a battle of the elites!"

Megumi cringed at the description. Being in the shadow of her parents was something that always weighed her down and even more so now. Both of them had been winners of the Sports Festival during their time. She was proud of their victory, but it had left her saddled with an unneeded legacy.

But today would her fight. Her moment to shine and step away from her parents' legacy. Megumi glanced at Todoroki, whose expression was as unreadable as always, but looked like there was something lingering beneath the surface. Maybe his fight with Midoriya had broken through his icy mask. 

"From the hero course, we have Shoto Todoroki!" Present Mic announced with his flamboyant flair, making the crowd even more exciting. "Versus Megumi Okumura, also from the hero course! And let the match begin!"

'I'm not going to give him a moment to attack,' Megumi spoke mentally, flames erupting around her feet. Without even wasting a second, she swiftly raised her hands into the air. The flames erupted into a towering white wall. She pushed the flames towards Todoroki, who erected a wall of his own. Only it was ice. 

The moment the two attacks came in contact with each other, steam erupted as the ice started to melt. 

"Are you really that foolish, Todoroki?" Megumi taunted childishly. "You're gonna use your ice against another fire user?"

Todoroki's face contorted into slight anger; he didn't reply to her taunts, instead created even a bigger wall of ice. Megumi snorted as she raised the intensity of her flames, increasing their temperature. If Todoroki kept on using his ice, then her victory was assured. But still...

QUERENCIA ━━ shoto todorokiWhere stories live. Discover now