20 - Heroic Deeds

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On that fateful morning, Megumi's eyes snapped open before her alarm even rang

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On that fateful morning, Megumi's eyes snapped open before her alarm even rang. She didn't bother to check her phone for the time. Instead, she just chose to lay in bed, staring up at the ceiling and drowning in her thoughts.

Doing an internship with the Endeavor Hero Agency was an experience. Megumi wasn't quite sure if it was a good one or a bad one yet. Maybe she would change her mind in the end, but things were currently leaning on the bad side of the things. But the experience...the experience would be worth it.


The first day of hero patrol had gone by without an incident. Megumi and Todoroki had been watching from the sidelines, just watching as Endeavor worked alongside his sidekicks to catch some small-time villains. She had to grudgingly admit that Endeavor was a pretty powerful hero; in how he worked and in how he fought. No wonder he was the number two hero. 

His relationship with Todoroki was strange though. Megumi had picked up on a strange undercurrent between the pro-hero and his son. Some terms that Endeavor had mentioned around his soon were very weird. Masterpiece. Best creation. Like Todoroki was just a thing. Like there was nothing to him beyond his quirk. (which was not true)

Todoroki probably didn't get along with his father if that's what Endeavor referred to him as. But seeing as he was here for the internship too, they just had to deal with the pro-hero.

Megumi couldn't wait to see what she was going to learn tonight. 


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⏰ Last updated: Dec 18, 2022 ⏰

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