19 ‐ The Endeavor Hero Agency

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Excitement and nervousness filled Megumi's heart

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Excitement and nervousness filled Megumi's heart. 

Today was the day that she, along with the rest of her classmates would be starting their internships under pro-heroes. Class 1 A stood in a group at the train station, all waiting for Aizawa-sensei to give them last minute instructions.

"You all have your costumes, right?" The man in question asked. "Usually you aren't allowed to wear them in public. Don't drop them."

'I couldn't drop it even if I wanted to,'  Megumi thought, peering down at the vice grip she had on her costume case. Interning with a pro-hero was supposed to life changing and she'd be damned if that didn't make her nervous. And excited. But more nervous.

"Okaaaay!" Mina was enthusiastic as she spoke, stretching out the word.

"Don't elongate it. Make it short, Ashido," Aizawa-sensei scolded.

At his words, Mina's enthusiasm seemed to fade away, if only just a little. "Okay."

"Try not to be a burden to the hero during your internship," Aizawa-sensei said. "Now go."

"Yes!" The class spoke together. 

Soon after, everyone left in different directions. Natsumi went with Tokoyami since both their internships were to happen in the same city, under two very great heroes. After saying goodbye to them, Megumi walked over to where Midoriya and Uraraka were standing. As she joined the group, she couldn't help but be concerned about her other friend. Iida's expression was rather strange, and something did not quite feel right. 

'Is it about his brother...' Megumi had been devastated upon hearing about Ingenium, but she couldn't even begin to imagine what Iida must be going through.

"Iida-kun!" Midoriya called out him, Uraraka and Megumi following.

"If it ever feels hopeless, let us know," Midoriya spoke gently. "We're friends, right?"

Megumi and Uraraka nodded together. They were all going to be there for him, that was for sure. Iida turned around to face them and his smile looked rather fake.

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