13 - Fierce Determination

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      "This cavalry battle is going to be something, alright."

      Natsume quietly murmured as he and Megumi snuck away to a less crowded part of the field. It was also relatively quieter, though the noise from the arena crowds still remained. It was fairly obvious that the two would be teaming up together, having grown up knowing each and everything about the other's quirk.

      "Definitely," Megumi answered, crossing her arms. "I pity Midoriya though."

      "I do too," Natsume said. "But clearly, his team is going to be the main target. So, the two of us need to target the other teams while they are hunting Midoriya and grab their bands."

      "Use the distraction they create against them."


      Megumi looked around. It seemed that a lot of their classmates were gravitating towards Bakugo and Todoroki, seeing as they were the second and the third place from the race. Never had she been more glad to be fourth place. She doesn't mean to be offensive towards her class, but none of their quirks would really be compatible with the strategy she and Natsume had in mind. It was a strategy of stealth and unfortunately, a lot of people in their class were the exact opposite of what the word meant.

      Together, they currently had 355 points; 195 points for Megumi and 160 points for Natsume. They would need at least triple of that to make sure they got through the next round.

      "The two of us together will be able to manage, I'm sure," Natsume said, a contemplative look on his face.

      Megumi nodded. "With you having your barely detectable footsteps, and me having my flexible hands and my flames, we'll probably be able to sneak up and steal the headbands from behind."

      "We just have to figure out which teams to target."

      In the midst of their strategising, they had not noticed the two people walking towards them. One of them coughed.

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