9 - All Might vs Nomu

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      The tension in the air was palpable.

      Neither side had made a move yet, but the blue-haired villain, the leader, spoke to the purple mist villain, even though he was being restrained by Bakugo. He was definitely the leader, speaking with an air around him that made him seem more intense.

      "Kurogiri," His voice sounded normal, but his words were anything but. "Our exit and entrance, has been overcome. We're in a pinch."

      Bakugo, out of all the things, smirked. "You careless bastard! You're just what I'd thought you'd be! Only certain parts of you can turn into a warp gate. The fog gate covered your actual body, right? If you were completely made out of mist and physical attacks couldn't touch you, then you wouldn't have said 'that was close'."

      For all his anger, Megumi thought, Bakugo was pretty damn smart.

      The blue haired villain started talking again. "In addition to capturing them, they're almost all uninjured. Kids these days are amazing. They make the League of Villains look bad." He turned to the monstrous-looking villain. "Nomu."

      Megumi tensed up as this Nomu started to pass through the warp gate, slowly emerging out of it. As soon as he did, the gate closed and his arm as well as his leg, which were frozen in Todoroki's ice, shattered away, separating from his body. But the Nomu somehow managed to move.

      "How the hell is he moving when his body is that broken?" Megumi said out loud as she got into a defensive stance.

      With horrified glances, she and the others watched as Nomu regenerated his monstrous limbs, standing up once again. They were, quite frankly, screwed. Whatever this guy was, if his quirk was regeneration, then attacks against him would certainly be useless. This was troublesome and Megumi was finally feeling the first vestiges of fear settle in her mind. But somehow, she managed to steady her mind and get into a battle-ready stance like the rest of her classmates.

      "But first, we need to get our gate back," The blue haired villain continued to speak, his voice sounding amused. "Go, Nomu."

      Nobody could fucking react.

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