7 - Rescue Training

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      "For today's hero basic training, it will be a class with three instructors, All Might and me and one more person."

      Aizawa sensei drawled on in his usual tired tone as he looked over at the class. Then as people started asking questions about what they would be doing, he raised a card high in the air. It was similar to the card All Might had during battle training, but instead in bold letters, the word written on it was 'Rescue'.

      "So we're having rescue training today?" Megumi said out loud, amongst the murmurs from her class. "That's gonna be exciting."

      The basic idea behind being heroes was saving people from harm and rescuing them from whatever danger they might be in. Thus, this class at U.A., would hold utmost importance, even though some of the class was stating that it might be boring.

      "Hey, I'm not done yet," Aizawa-sensei interrupted, putting a stop to 1-A's chatter. "You can decide if you want to wear your costume or not this time." He pressed a button on the remote he was holding and similar to the day of their battle training, the cases filled with their costumes slowly popped out of the wall. "Because there are probably costumes that limit your abilities too. The training will place off-campus, so we're taking a bus."

      "That is all," Aizawa-sensei said. "Start getting ready."

      Everyone got up from their desks, walking over to the wall with their costumes. Natsume caught pace with Megumi as they went to pull down their suitcases. He leaned close and whispered in her ear, "You're gonna enjoy this, aren't you?"

      "Oh yeah," Megumi whispered back. "Gotta make dad proud." She gently punched his shoulders as she and the other girls made their way towards the changing room.

      She cracked her knuckles as she walked. 'Time to rescue some people.'


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