16 - Ice And Fire

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Megumi would not lie. This was the fight she had been looking forward too. Todoroki and Midoriya both had very powerful quirks. And the way Todoroki had declared a battle on the green-haired boy made her think that there was some kind of history between the two, even if they hadn't known each for that long. 

Sitting next to her brother, she crossed her arms in anticipation, almost digging into her skin with her neatly cut nails. Natsume, sensing her nervousness as always, gave her a slightly curious look. But she ignored it, staring down at the arena, like many of her classmates and those in the arena, keeping a close eye on the two who were a part of this fight. 

"Now! Midoriya vs Todoroki! START!"

It was the work of an instant. The moment Present Mic yelled out 'start', Todoroki immediately shot his ice towards Midoriya. This ice wall wasn't nearly as tall as the one used against Sero in the first round, but it still had a pretty considerable height. 

But somehow, Midoriya managed to break the wall into pieces. The ice that was coming for him broke from the impact of his attack, the shockwave from it producing a massive blast of very cold wind. Even Megumi, whose body had a naturally high temperature, felt chills go down her spine. Next to her, Natsume shivered. 

"Damn, this wind's just like ice," He mumbled under his breath. Megumi nodded in agreement. 

Todoroki shot out more ice, only for Midoriya to use his 'smash' move and break it again. Another shockwave was sent through the arena. Behind Megumi, she heard snippets of a conversation between Bakugo, Sero and Kirishima, but she ignored it. Her attention was now fully captivated by the battle. She hadn't really missed what Bakugo had said though; about quirks being physical abilities. 

'This fight,' Megumi thought. She stared down as Todoroki launched another blast of ice towards Midoriya who broke it yet again. 'It's gonna turn out to be an endurance match.'

Then, Todoroki went for a different approach. He ran straight at Midoriya, using his ice to create a large ramp for himself.

"Todoroki doesn't recoil from Midoriya's power and gets in close!" Present Mic exclaimed as the crowd cheered loudly at the move.

QUERENCIA ━━ shoto todorokiWhere stories live. Discover now