11 - Roaring Sports Festival

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      As the two weeks before the Sports Festival progressed, Megumi found herself training harder than she had ever done before. Sometimes, she trained with Natsume, releasing her flames on his bulletproof body; other times, she trained alone in her backyard.

      Another one of the perks of being the daughter of the current number 7 pro hero, they had a much bigger house with a large backyard. The backyard was shielded by tall walls and the grass was neatly trimmed. Four big trees lined the four corners while smaller trees stood next to them and bushes grew alongside them. But there was enough space for herself and her dad to release their flames for training. And if not that, then this backyard was big enough for some intense physical exercise.

      And so Megumi trained, until it was the night before the sports festival. The sun had set a while ago and yet she had carried out training. Dressed in a tank top and comfortable, knee-length shorts, Megumi slammed her fists into the air, practicing her punches. Then she moved onto her kicks. If there was one thing Megumi was proud of, it was that her body was flexible and she could move pretty fast, with or without her quirk. If she managed to improve on that, then tomorrow...

      'I could be at the top.'

      "Megumi, I'm home!" She heard her dad yell. "Where are you?"

      "I'm in the backyard!" Megumi yelled back.

      She wiped the sweat off her forehead and dropped to the ground, doing push-ups. Mentally, she counted the amount she was doing. The door to the backyard, connected to the living room, opened and out stepped her dad. Light from the living room shone into the darkness of the garden.

      "Still training hard, huh?" Kaito remarked.

      "Uh huh," Megumi answered with heavy breaths as she went for her seventh push up.

      "How long have you been at it now?"

      "Probably since 4? I don't really remember."

      "You should probably take a rest, Megumi," Kaito advised. "You don't want to push yourself too much."

      "No," Megumi answered as she did another push up, pausing only after she did it. She let out a huff as she sat down, cross-legged, on the grass. "I still need to train more, Dad, if I have to win tomorrow. Both you and mom won the sports festival in your time and I need to do just as well, if not better."

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