6 - The First Normal

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      The news that famed hero, All Might, was teaching at U.A. spread like wildfire on dry grass. Though the fact had already been known to the students, once it was spread outside, the entirety of the country learnt of it. And that was the reason why reporters had crowded the entrance of U.A., hounding the students of the hero course, asking about the Symbol of Peace's teaching method.

      "Gumi, you're seeing those reporters, right?"

      Natsume pointed towards the small crowd that had gathered in front of the U.A. gates. He looked wary. "We need to go past them so that they don't hound us."

      "Yeah," Megumi mirrored his expression. She had dealt with her fair share of reporters since middle school because of her father and eventually, Natsume had learnt the same thing. "What the hell are they even doing at the gates? They do know that they will not be allowed inside, right?"

      "Who knows what reporters think?" Natsume grumbled slightly as he tightened the straps of his backpack. "We just need to make a run for it."

      "Running right before class starts does not suit me, but okay. Let's go for it."

      Without warning, Natsume grabbed onto her arm and started running. And when Natsume ran, he ran fast. So Megumi also had to pick up the pace to make sure she didn't fall against the pavement and twist her leg. But if there was one thing about her cousin's running, it was that he was light on his feet, even if he wasn't using his quirk.

      The reporters, who were still crowded around the entrance gate, didn't even notice them. Not till they were right next to the gate. Before they could ask the duo any questions, Natsume and Megumi silently slipped past them and entered the school building. Once they were inside, they made their way towards their classroom.

      "I hate reporters," Megumi said, releasing a sigh as they neared the classroom. "They are too much."

      "I'd say they're just doing their job," Natsume replied. "But who stands in front of a school gate waiting to interview kids? Lucky for us though, the U.A. Barrier will keep them out.

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