I've Caught You

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Sherlock regained consciousness to the feeling of water entering his chest through his throat. His eyes burned as he tried to open them. What's going on? Slowly the memories returned to him.

The devil here is you Sherlock!

Don't use death as an escape!

Live and atone for your sins..

You came here not as a detective, but as a friend, didn't you?

Right. He had possible made the most reckless decision by jumping to his death into the river along with William. Speaking of the Lord of Crime, he was nowhere to be found. Sherlock looked around as he got up from the water. Some distance ahead, Scotland Yard officers were scouting the area. Suddenly it dawned on him that they were looking for him and William.

He quickly swam towards the shore where the Yard were not stationed. He looked up at the sky and judged it was about midnight. He was soaking but he knew he had to get out of there. If the Yard found out that he was alive, they'd look for William next.. and he couldn't let that happen.

He slowly made his way out of the river and headed towards the station. He pulled his coat over his head to make sure he wasn't recognised and got into one of the trains heading for Durham. If he could find the crime lord anywhere, the first possible place would be Durham. Some hours passed. He decided it was best to take rest. But he couldn't stop thinking about William. How he wrapped his arms around him as they fell... he couldn't shake off that warmth which he felt inside. He felt kind of happy, even if they were plunging to their deaths. But somehow they survived and he wasn't going to let go of that chance. He was sure William was alive; why else would his body be missing? He felt his thoughts disappear as he drifted into a dreamless sleep.

The train stopped at Durham. He walked out of the carriage and breathed in the fresh morning air. He stretched his arms and looked around the place, not that he was unfamiliar with it. He let his feet guide him wherever they wanted, and soon found himself in front of a vast estate. I remember this place. The noble here was killed for Liam's plan to succeed, he thought. He continued walking in the same path, which initially lead to the settlement where the commoners lived. I have to look for a job here, he decided. He couldn't go around playing detective anymore. He had to change his identity.

One thing lead to another and now he was Jim the cafe worker. He'd been working for an old man named Harry for 3 months now. Though it felt like 3 years. Initially, he'd written a letter to John about his new life and instructed him not to reply back. He'd felt that John had to know that he was still alive. John, meanwhile, was overjoyed and informed the news to Mrs Hudson who'd promised him not to blabber away to glory. Sherlock's life had changed a lot within these months. He would still keep his mind fresh by solving the cases published in newspapers and guessing the professions of the customers to himself. He found himself listening to his customer's stories more and more. One fine day, a young man from Switzerland had come to the cafe. He ordered a coffee and a croissant and went back to his table. He was talking with Harry. Sherlock deduced they had a student-teacher relationship.

While going to serve the Swiss man, he overheard him talking about a blonde prodigy who seems to have the solution for almost every trivial matter. Sherlock's senses perked up at this. This could only mean one thing.. No, no I can't get my hopes up! But if it was.. then maybe I'll have another chance.. His detective senses also confirmed the same thing. It has to be William. He was going to Switzerland to find his dear friend (though he wasn't sure about the friend part anymore), and this time, he's going to hold on to him.

"I've caught you again. I won't let go this time Liam''


This was my first oneshot guys. I hope you liked it. Requests are open. Sorry if this one was kinda crappy. The next one will have more Liam content. Don't forget to vote!


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