A Warm Christmas - II

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"John! Ms Hudson! How did you know I was here?" he exclaimed, opening his arms for a group hug. All he got was a punch in the face from a very excited looking John and a slap from a furious Ms Hudson.

"Ow, ow okay, I get it you missed me-" the detective was cut off as John trapped him in a bear hug. William looked over from his chair with a mischievous smile on his face. Ms Hudson was also getting a bit teary-eyed, so Sherlock pulled her into a hug next. When they all settled down, John explained how William got into contact with them lately.

"He said he wanted to surprise you. As a thank you, he said. Anyway, we were overjoyed to know that you were alive, so of course we accepted. Well Ms Hudson cried a lot so it took some time convincing her."

"Well, we couldn't say no to the one person who knows how to put up with you, you no-good detective! And no, I did not cry John!" exclaimed Ms Hudson.

"You have good friends, Sherlock" commented William.

"Of course I do." Sherlock said, grinning. They had dinner, and some more cake that Ms Hudson had made. After a wonderful time, it was time to part ways again.

"Goodbye, Sherlock, William" said John and Ms Hudson, who were sad to leave so quickly, after all those months of thinking Sherlock was dead.

"Don't worry, you can always come here. Just be sure no one is following you." assured William.

After they left, the two men went back inside. William sat on the sofa, propping his legs on the coffee table. Sherlock sat beside him, and took the blonde's hand.

"Thank you, Liam, that was so thoughtful of you. You had no reason to go to such lengths, you know?" he said.

The blonde replied, "Oh come on, of course  I did. I know you miss them, and I know that you still  would have had that old life with them, if you hadn't come with me that day."

Sherlock felt like his insides were being crushed. He thinks he's robbed my good life from me? 

"William, did you think-"  he began, but got cut off. 

"No, that's not how it is. Don't misunderstand me, Sherlock, I'm well aware that you miss your old life. That's the reason why I reached out to them recently. I appreciate everything that you've done for me so far, and I wanted to show it."  the ex-crime lord said in a sharp tone, which startled Sherlock a bit. 

Sherlock knew  William still blamed himself for this, but he also knew that the blonde would never admit it. So, at least he had to try to be clear with his thoughts.

"Look, Liam, I'm happy here, okay? I'm happy with just being with you here, at this moment. This was the best Christmas I've had in ages. Sure, John and Ms Hudson are my good friends, but you're special to me. I don't know how to say this, but I love being with you."  he said with a smile. 

"And I you, Sherlock Holmes."  the blonde said, leaning closer and pressing his lips to the detective's. It was a soft and intimate moment for both of them, who's lives were probably the roughest. But then, that is love isn't it? Caring for someone and creating peace within the storm of chaos called life. And that was how the detective realised he didn't like the lord of crime, he truly loved every part of him. And he knew, his feelings were reciprocated.


Wow, that was a long one. Let me know how it was, and don't forget to vote :)

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