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The crisp, cool ocean breeze was the first thing that hit Sherlock's face as he woke up from his nap. For a moment, he couldn't remember anything. His head felt fuzzy and he never wanted to get up from wherever the hell he was. A familiar hand brushed through his hair, and suddenly everything came back to him. Right, he was at the beach with his boyfriend. He leaned into William's touch, almost like a cat, which he knew the blonde loved. Sherlock had promised to take William to the beach since he'd never been there, and between university and their exams it seemed impossible. Once their exams were over, they'd packed their things immediately and left for a weekend at the beach. 

Sherlock got up from his beach chair, and walked over to the waves. The sand felt cool and comforting to his feet, a sort of grounding presence that was much needed by the raven haired man. He stood, waves lapping at his feet, when he felt two arms snaked around his waist and a head rest in his shoulder.

 "Hey, Liam."  Sherlock said, leaning back into the blonde's embrace. 

"I love the beach, Sherly." William whispered softly in his ear, which may or may not have made Sherlock blush a bit - mostly because William was not one to use nicknames, no matter the type of relationship. It meant a lot to Sherlock, knowing that the only person the blonde ever truly trusted other than his brothers was Sherlock himself. 

"Hey, I promised you that I'd bring you here, and I did. I knew you'd like it." Sherlock said, turning to face the blonde, who was smiling. 

"Anyway, I'm hungry. Let's go eat."  William declared, dragging Sherlock along with him. The raven haired man just chuckled and murmured a small 'okay, then.'

After a few moments of bickering, Sherlock finally took William to a fruits stand. They bought 'watermelons on a stick' and some ice cream (by nagging William). 

"I'm telling you, Sherlock, that thing is not good for you!"  the blonde pointed gingerly at an ice cream cone.

"It's not a thing, it's ice cream! And quit that, you sound like Ms Hudson." Sherlock waved him off. 

"Bu-" William began, but was cut off as Sherlock stuck a watermelon up his mouth. 

"That's better."  the older male decided, chuckling.

For a moment, the blonde sat still in confusion. Then he began eating the fruit, and his eyes widened at the sweet and refreshing taste. Now, Sherlock never missed details. Especially when it came to his boyfriend's business. So by looking at the blonde's mannerisms, he could guess within seconds that William had never had melons before. 

"That was so good.. I want more!" the blonde exclaimed, which Sherlock found adorable. What he didn't find adorable was, the fact that William moved with monstrous speed to snatch Sherlock's share of watermelons.

"I'll be taking that, you can enjoy your ice cream." the younger male said, sticking his tongue out. Scratch that, everything about the blonde was adorable to Sherlock.

The rest of the evening was spent in a  relatively peaceful manner, with the occasional bickering.

"I'm beginning to get jealous of that watermelon."

"At least it's healthy, unlike certain ice cream eaters I know."

"Yeah, well, you should thank me for introducing melons to you."


Speaking of which, Sherlock now wondered what the Moriarty's ate. Probably cement. Pity.

Sometime passed, and dusk reigned. The two folded their chairs, and went back to their rented room. On the way, the William grabbed the raven haired man's hand, pulling the latter towards him. Their faces were so close, Sherlock could feel the blonde's breath. Swiftly, William moved towards the nape of Sherlock's neck and placed a soft kiss. 

"Are you still jealous of that watermelon?" the blonde murmured against the older male's skin teasingly.

"Well, that depends."  Sherlock joked back, feigning an offended face.

"Maybe, if I make it up to you tonight, would you be happy Sherlock?" the blonde continued, teasingly moving his other hand up Sherlock's spine, making the latter shiver.

"I guess I could forgive you then."  Sherlock said nonchalantly, as the blonde began dragging them to their room. Their little beach trip went a bit too well, for Sherlock at least.

Sorry for the irregular update, my school pretty much keeps exams every other week. Anyway, thanks for reading and don't forget to vote :)

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