Red Camellias - I

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A warm, summer breeze carrying the scent of blooming flowers blew into the room of a certain blonde man, bringing him back from his dream world. William clutched his chest as another wave of shocking pain took over his lungs. He got up from his chair and ran to the bathroom, coughing up a bunch of petals. This wasn't the first time. He'd been experiencing such episodes for the past 2 weeks. He panicked, unable to control his coughing fit. The next few minutes were a blur. When he finally regained his senses, his floor had been splattered with blood and beautiful red petals. Well this is a mess, he said to himself while searching for a cloth to clean up. Once he was done cleaning up, he drank some warm tea and plopped onto his couch.

The blonde took his phone out, and decided to call his friend (lover) Sherlock. Never mind, he might be busy, he decided and called his other friend John Watson instead. He was a doctor after all. 

"Hey John. Mind if I talk to you for sometime?"

"Sure William. Is it about Sherlock? Did he trouble you? I'll take care of him."  came a frustrated reply from the other side.

"No, no. This isn't about him. But why do you always assume it's about Sherlock?" the blonde asked. Do I talk about him that much?  he wondered.

"Ah, nothing. Go ahead William."

"You see, John, I've been vomiting flower petals for the past two weeks. It's a bit of a bother."

"Ohh, flower petals you say?" the doctor asked curiously. He'd heard of this before.

"Uh, yeah John. It's unnatural and weird, I don't like it. It doesn't let me do my daily chores."  William complained.

"Okay, William. I don't know how you're gonna take this. I think you have Hanahaki disease. Lovers with unrequited or one-sided love are usually subject to it. So, who is it?"

"Huh? Hanahaki? Never heard of that. Also, I don't think you want to know who it is, John."

John took a deep breath before answering. "The point is, William, if the other person doesn't like you back, you might die. I care about you, and well I think I'll be happier if you didn't die. But you can't procrastinate either. If you do, the petals will eventually consume your lungs and death is inevitable."

"Oh."  came a small reply from the blonde. He didn't expect this. The truth came crashing down on him, and suddenly he didn't know what to do. His eyes became glossy and the pain in his chest increased. Though this time, he was sure the pain resonated from his heart, and not his lungs.

"So, William, who is it?" the doctor asked, concern clear in his voice.



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