Day Off

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It was a pleasant morning - the sky a clear blue, with tufts of clouds scattered across the sky. The sound of birds chirping soon found its way to a certain maths professor's ears as he was flipping through the newspaper. William was seated in his study in the University. He had just finished conducting an exam and had decided to have some time for himself, since he had the rest of the day off. 

Suddenly, he a knock sounded on his door. 

"Hmm?"  William's head perked up as he wondered who could it be. Students usually did not visit him at this hour. 

"Can I come in Mr Maths Professor?"  a voice asked in a jovial tone. Of course William knew who it was. The voice belonged to none other than London- no not just London, probably the nation's greatest detective - Sherlock Holmes. 

"Come in Mr Holmes."  William answered back. The door opened, to reveal Sherlock in all his glory, with a wide grin on his face. "Liam! How have you been doing these days??"  the detective inquired. 

"I'm doing fine, Sherlock. How about you? And what brings you here?"  William asked, smiling. He'd always enjoyed the raven haired man's company. When he talked to him, he never felt the need to restrict himself.  He could always be himself around Sherlock. The detective had a charismatic aura that William could just not resist. 

"I'm doing well too. And about that, you promised me that we could have dinner together during that train incident, remember? That's why I'm here!" Sherlock exclaimed. How adorable, the crime lord thought. "Of course, but since I'm busy tonight, why don't we just have lunch together?" William suggested. Sherlock grinned and nodded.

"Follow me, then"  William said as he got up from his chair, leading Sherlock to the cafeteria. The two men walked in comfortable silence. William looked back from time to time, observing the detective. Sherlock had his hands behind his head, walking with nonchalance. He seemed to be observing the university. William just smiled at him. Fortunately, Sherlock was busy looking elsewhere. Otherwise he would never hear the end of it. The blonde could almost hear what the detective would have said, had he caught William smiling at him when he wasn't looking. Can't take your eyes off me hm, Liam?  William then sighed. It was true, after all.

"We're here Sherlock"  William said, pointing to the cafeteria. "Good, because I was getting tired of walking"  Sherlock pouted as he complained. There he goes again. William felt his heart take a lunge. Seriously, that man should not have the right to look so adorable. Sherlock walked towards one of the chairs with a skip in his step. He pulled one out and sat down comfortably. William took the chair opposite to the detective's. 

 They had their lunch, and talked about their respective lives, exchanging playful banter and so on. As they talked, the crime lord found himself placing his hands on Sherlock's. The blonde was not one for physical contact, but when it came to Sherlock, he found himself growing crazy. He wanted to kiss the detective senseless, but he never found the courage to confess. In a hetero-normative society such as the one they lived in, he knew he would never be allowed to follow his heart. Yet, here his lover was, right in front of him. 

Sherlock seemed to be talking about something, but William wasn't really listening. He entwined their fingers, nodding his head like he was listening intently. Perhaps, he didn't need to confess. Little things like holding hands, hugging occasionally, being there for each other, was enough - after all, that was love wasn't it?


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