A Warm Christmas - I

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Cold morning light poured into Sherlock's room, waking him up. He rubbed his eyes open and looked over to his side, only to find that William's side of the bed was already made. He woke up already?! Damn it. Was there any day when I woke up before him? he thought, a bit annoyed at himself. He slowly got up and went over to the drawing room (or hall, whatever) of their cottage, where the younger male sat with a cup of tea and a newspaper. 

"Morning, Sherlock. Had a good sleep?"  he asked cheerfully which only annoyed the detective more. 

"Yeah, yeah, whatever. I can't believe you woke up before me even on Christmas."  muttered the detective, as he took a seat near his lover on the sofa. 

Most of their days went like this, ever since they pulled that 'death stunt'. Peaceful, with a side of occasional bickering. Living a low profile was not difficult, but Sherlock wouldn't deny the fact that he missed his old life a bit - John, his 'consulting detective' job, and Ms Hudson - bless the woman - no matter how annoying the detective was, she always put up with him. The blonde must have noticed his expression, because he was staring at the detective for sometime now. 

"Are you okay, Sherlock?" he asked, concerned. 

The raven haired man didn't meet his eyes. Instead, he chose to look at their hastily made Christmas tree. 

"Yeah, I'm fine Liam.  Really."  he said. He knew the ex-crime lord wouldn't believe it, but it was worth a try. Lucky for him, William didn't push him further and went back to flipping the pages of his newspaper.

They sat there for a while, until Sherlock finally decided to make some breakfast. The two men decided to eat outside for a change. That is, until, they saw the amount of snow. "Never mind, inside it is."  decided William. 

They went back to their sofa, and scarfed down poached eggs, bread and some tea (Sherlock was mad that William didn't make any for him earlier).

After that, William said he had to go outside for a job, so the older male was left alone. Two hours passed, then three, and the blonde still hadn't returned. What's taking him so long?  he thought, getting a bit worried. Then he realised that the ex-crime lord could take care of himself, so he decided to decorate their tree for a bit. 

By the time he was done, William had returned. When the detective asked him as to why he was late, the blonde just dismissed it. He's hiding something, I know that. Oh my god, what if he's seeing someone? No, shut up Sherlock, there's no way.  Calm down it's Christmas for god's sake!

"The Christmas tree looks amazing, Sherlock."  complimented the blonde. Indeed, it was. The ornaments were of beautiful golden and red colours, with pine cones and stars glinting in the light. The two men then tidied up and decorated their house for Christmas, and when they were done it was already evening. William had bought some cakes and gingerbread cookies, and of course, some brandy and eggnog for good measure. Just as they sat down to have a drink, a knock sounded on their door. William shrugged, clearly no one would visit them at this time. Maybe a friendly neighbour?   the detective thought as he got up to open the door. When he did open it, he was too dumbstruck. Two familiar faces smiled at him, with gifts in their hands.


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