Soulmates - II

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The morning sun broke through the curtains, disturbing William's already fitful sleep. Damn, I forgot to close the curtains properly, he thought as he yawned. All night he'd been thinking about the date- no, it wasn't a date. Just a mere get together with his soulmate since they decided to get to know each other. Yes. That's all there is to it. The blonde still couldn't cope with the fact that he could see colours, let alone having a soulmate. He jumped out of bed, and decided to make himself some tea. 

He lazily strolled across his house, organising things, all the while sipping his tea. He sat on a couch with his legs crossed, closing his eyes as he calmed himself down. But inside, he was screaming. He had to be at the gallery by evening, where he was going to meet Sherlock. Sherlock. What a unique name, befitting a unique personality, he thought. The blonde was feeling a whirlwind of emotions - fear, anticipation, excitement, nervousness. Fortunately for him, time went by quickly, and evening came.

William checked the clock. It was 5:30 pm. He had gotten ready earlier, and was now clad in a white dress shirt underneath a deep brown vest, and similar brown coloured pants. He wore his favourite watch, and was soon out the door, preparing to leave. He got on a bus heading for the city centre, then got off near the art gallery. He looked around the place, searching for a certain raven haired man, but he was nowhere to be found. He found himself panicking slightly. Maybe he was just joking.. he thought. After all, it wasn't always necessary to love your soulmate, was it?  He felt a pang in his heart. William had always felt that he trusted others too easily. He'd been betrayed, fooled, one too many times, all because he was too trusting and kind. He'd always tell himself that he'll never do the same mistake again, but he ended up doing it anyway. He hung his head, a sad smile on his face. But then he felt an all too familiar tap on his shoulder.

"Did I keep you waiting?"  Sherlock asked, smirking, as William turned around to look. Those words were enough to bring a smile on William's face. "No, not really. I just got here too.."  the blonde affirmed. "Good. Because my friend John forced me to clean my room, I ended up running late. Sorry for that."  the raven haired man said, rubbing the back of his head. William was so busy staring at Sherlock, that his excuse just went past his head. Sherlock looked good. Too good, in fact, in his white shirt and navy suit. It wasn't too formal, but it wasn't simple either. William liked it. 

"Well.. I hope you don't plan on standing here all day, because I hoped we could go sit near the river!"  Sherlock said, waving his hand in front of William's face. "Um yeah, of course.."  the blonde replied with a nervous chuckle. The raven haired man then called a cab, and the two sat in an awkward silence. Soon, they arrived at their destination. Sherlock walked towards the riverbank with a skip in his step that William found to be adorable. Apparently, Sherlock's landlady had packed some sandwiches for them, so it was more like a picnic near the river. Quite cliche, though William wasn't complaining. The woman knew how to make sandwiches. 

The evening passed quickly. Sherlock had began by talking about himself - his childhood, his university days and his current career as a "consulting detective".  William then shared his life stories, and soon the two men were engaged in deep conversation ranging from jovial banter to serious debates. But neither could deny the fact that they had fun. Sherlock even once mentioned that talking with William had felt similar to talking with someone whom he'd known for years. The feeling was mutual. William never wanted the date to end (yes he was admitting that it was a date), and often found himself staring into the older male's sapphire irises. But, like all things, this had an end too. 

"Today was good, Liam. We should meet up again. I'm glad you're my soulmate."  Sherlock said, which made William feel warm inside as he answered back, "Me too, Sherlock. I hope to meet you soon as well."

Before parting ways, Sherlock looked back one last time, pulling William in for a kiss. It was so soft and intimate that William couldn't help but melt in to it. He felt Sherlock's hand caressing the side of his face, and felt genuinely happy, something he hadn't felt for years. Sherlock then broke the kiss for air, but he was grinning like crazy. "Sorry if you felt that was too fast. I couldn't help myself"  he said, chuckling, running his fingers through his hair. William found himself smiling as well. "The feeling is mutual, Sherlock"  he said, before parting ways with the raven haired man. The two left for their respective houses, only this time their thoughts were occupied with each other, each man waiting to see the other.


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