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The icy wind that rippled through the sky felt like needles on Sherlock's skin. He stood motionless, a bouquet of chrysanthemums in one hand, and a closed umbrella in the other. He just did not feel like opening it to cover himself; he rather felt he deserved the numbness and pain the hailstorm brought upon him. The detective closed his eyes and sighed.

Today's the day. Liam, how I wish you were here. With me. Because if you were, I wouldn't have to be in this dreaded place, now, will I?

Sherlock didn't want to be there. But time had forced him to come. Besides, this was the only place he could see his dear lover again, where he lay, six feet beneath the ground. It had been a year since the incident - William's suicide, marking the success of his plans. Oh, how Sherlock wished he could've stopped him sooner. After all, he was there, as William's inevitable death occurred, right in front of him.

Sherlock opened his eyes again, but this time, sapphire eyes were filled with tears. He inspected the place. No one was there in the graveyard as the storm had restricted them from coming. What a cruel joke, he thought. The detective was stubborn to come to his lover's grave. John and Ms Hudson had tried to stop him, warning him that he would get sick. But Sherlock always found himself coming there, the same day, every month.

 He then walked towards the crime lord's grave. He tried to steady himself as he read the name scripted onto the cold, grey stone. William James Moriarty.

And that was the final straw for the raven haired man. He broke down into tears, sobbing as he crashed down on his knees. He placed the bouquet down on William's grave gently, and held onto his umbrella for support. He steadied himself a bit, and began pouring his heart out - something that he wished he could do when the lord of crime was still alive.

"Hey Liam.. I hope you're happy. Wherever you are. I'm not one who believes in the afterlife, but if such a thing exists, I hope you can see how much you've changed the world. How much you've changed me. You made me feel complete, somehow. And now your death has left an indent on my heart that can never be the same again. 

I've contemplated suicide many times, Liam. But I hold on to my life. You want to know why? Because I've seen the efforts you've put and the sacrifices you made, including your own life, for achieving a world free from the shackles of corruption and discrimination. I want to live in this world that you've created, for you, even if it makes my very existence hellish. I know, that if you could acknowledge my decisions, you wouldn't approve me killing myself. And.. that's how much you mean to me. I still think about the times that we spent together; even before we became lovers. I know we can't be together now, but, in another life, in another world, I hope we reunite again. Farewell, William."  Sherlock finished, as he got up from the ground.

He took a deep breath and calmed himself down. He'd stopped crying. He opened his umbrella and walked back home, where he knew two other people who loved and cared for him were waiting for him to return.


Thanks for reading! I decided to give angst a try. I hope it was good. Don't forget to vote!

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