Paper Airplanes

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William breathed in the cool, autumn air, as he sat leaning back on his chair. He sipped his tea that Louis had prepared for him sometime before. The crime lord was well, his plan had worked out and they'd feigned his death. But those deep ruby orbs of his held unbearable melancholy. Everyday was like a mere experience for William, no matter how much he tried to live. His brothers comforted him from time to time, but deep inside, the blonde knew that Sherlock Holmes was gone. And he was not coming back.

William would never forget the sacrifice that the detective had made for him. That vile Milverton had forced Sherlock to either kill Moriarty or, to end his own life. The raven haired man knew why William had done what he had to do, and did not wish for the failure of the crime lord's plans. He closed his eyes and reminisced the events of that dreaded day.

Sherlock had shot himself in his stomach, and immediately fell unconscious. A laughing Milverton was then shot dead by William. The blonde rushed to the detective's side, cradling his head on his lap. "Sherlock.. Why?!"  he shouted. "For you, Liam. I hope your plan succeeds.. and a world free of discrimination is born.. I don't mind dying.. I- I don't, really.. if it makes your dream come true"  the raven haired man said between breaths, his hand cupping the side of William's face. Tears poured down William's face, as he held the dying man whom he loved more than anyone. Sherlock weakly pulled the blonde's face down, and kissed him softly. William kissed him back. Suddenly, Sherlock pulled back, and his body went limp. The crime lord closed the raven haired man's eyes, and whispered to him with a sad smile "I thought I could predict everything you did, guess I was wrong. You really are stupid." 


Subconsciously, tears had filled his eyes. William blinked his tears away, deciding to do something different. The blond took some ink, a paper and a feather and began writing a letter, pouring his heart out.

Dear Sherlock,

How are you? I know this is stupid and that you're dead, but I wanted to write this. I love you. I wish I'd told you sooner so we could've spent more time together. I wish I'd seen through Milverton's plans more, because then you would be alive now. Whether you like it or not, I blame myself for your death. You could have shot me, but you didn't. You killed yourself instead, for someone like me. In the beginning, I thought of you as a mere pawn. Now I question my existence in your absence. Wow, I never thought anyone would make me feel this way. I want to kill myself, but I can't bring myself to. I know you won't be happy about it if I did. And, I will never forget your sacrifice. That is what keeps me going. When I think about how you easily gave up your life for me, I feel living isn't so bad. And maybe, just maybe, one day we can be reunited. Farewell, Sherlock. This may be my last letter to you.

Yours lovingly, 


He never realised he began crying again as he wrote the letter. Why won't it stop, he thought to himself sadly. He neatly folded the paper, and was about to place it in his journal. Then, he had an idea. He refolded it into an airplane, walked out to the fields surrounding the Moriarty brothers' little cottage, and threw it into the open air. It flew higher and higher, into the unknown. 


1.1k reads! Thank you so much guys. Please make sure to vote! Also I hope this was angsty enough. Hehe. 

Also, sorry kinestAR2010010102 for not making a part two of the Chrysanthemums oneshot, I just kinda lost ideas for that. I'll make it up to you by adding more fluff :)

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