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It was a cold winter evening; students walked out of school in a good mood, chattering and bickering and occasionally running in excitement as the weekend had finally arrived. All but one, William James Moriarty, who was worried sick about his friend (crush, actually, though he would never admit it) who hadn't come to school in three days. What's wrong with him? I have to make sure he's okay, he thought. For the past two days he'd been convincing himself not to go to Sherlock's house in fear of creeping him out as the blonde always believed that there was some distance between them. But now he was worried sick about the raven haired boy, and wanted to make sure he was alright. He took a deep breath, and walked back to school, hoping to get Sherlock's address. 221B, Bakers Street huh, he thought to himself as he held the sheet of paper in which his class teacher had written the older male's address. 

About twenty minutes later, he stood in front of a kind of old-fashioned apartment. The name plate read Martha Hudson. He knocked the door once, hoping he hadn't disturbed Sherlock's landlady. For a while, no one answered him. The blonde was debating whether or not to stay, when the door opened to reveal a woman with strawberry blonde hair and striking green eyes.

"Ms Hudson! Uh, is Sherlock home?"  William enquired. "Yes, he's sulking in his bedroom. honestly I don't know what's with him these days, locking himself up like that. Are you his friend?"  she asked. Friend. The word hit him like a punch in the gut, though he was quite used to that feeling now. "Y-yes, I'm William."  the blond introduced himself. "Very well then, I hope you can knock some sense into him. I've been worried sick! Is he affected with some angsty teen disease or something?"  she complained as she lead the younger male to his friend's bedroom. 

"Sherlock, you in there? It's me, William.."  the blonde said nervously as he knocked the door. No answer. William raised his hand to knock the door once again, but it swung open, revealing a very flustered looking Sherlock. His hair was messy, his eyes were red and puffy. "Oh hey, come in Liamthe older male invited the blonde to enter, his voice raspy. William immediately put his hand to Sherlock's forehead. Hot, not good, he thought. "You're sick Sherlock"  William stated. "Am not" the raven haired boy argued, with a pout on his face. Cute. "Well you are. And if you don't admit it, I'm gonna have to tell  Ms Hudson. So let me take care of you"  the blonde said, immediately regretting his words. The distance he put between him and his friend was slowly disappearing. For better or worse, who knows. 

"Fine! But don't tell her. She gets real panicky and sometimes its scary."  the older male complained. William hummed in answer. Sherlock did not know what to feel about this. William never gave a straight answer. And when he did, he would be really serious. As the two boys sat on the edge of Sherlock's bed, the blonde opened his bag, and took out some tablets. When Sherlock asked him about it, William just said he always carried some around in case he got sick. The raven haired boy took the tablets, and the two sat in a comfortable silence until the younger male noticed that Sherlock was shivering. "Cold?"  he asked. Sherlock affirmed with a nod. Without thinking, the blonde moved to sit closer to Sherlock, wrapping his arms around him. Sherlock's eyes widened a bit but he was too tired so he gave in and rested his head on William's shoulder. I've always wanted to do this, and more actually, but I guess this is enough for now, William thought contentedly, resting his chin on Sherlock's head. He didn't mind catching Sherlock's sickness as long as they could stay close like this. 

After sometime, Sherlock breathed more rhythmically, which only meant he fell asleep. The blonde didn't want to move in fear of waking Sherlock, even though he couldn't feel his arms. He just adjusted his position so that they were both now lying on Sherlock's bed, with the older male cuddled into the blonde's chest. William took a chance and kissed Sherlock's forehead, whispering a small good night, and soon fell asleep himself. 

It was a bit difficult explaining to Ms Hudson about the unexpected sleepover, though both boys managed it just fine. 


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