Red Camellias - II

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The word rang in William's head, troubling his sleep. John tried to comfort him, but he could never understand. It had been an hour since he hung up that call with the doctor. William wrapped his head with a pillow, trying to get Sherlock's voice out of his head. His efforts were wasted, as more memories that he'd shared with the raven haired man began playing in his head, vivid to the sight. 

The blonde had fallen in love with Sherlock only a few months prior. They were good friends even before that, but only recently, William began to realise his feelings were more than platonic. They were romantic. Soon, he found himself getting flustered every time his fingers brushed against Sherlock's, jealous when Sherlock flirted with other people. His feelings were growing more and more unstable by the day, as was the pain in his chest. Sherlock was his friend, why would he ever feel the same way? As William lost himself in his thoughts, sleep finally found its way to him. 

Sunlight poured through his bedroom window, waking William from his sleep. His chest felt hollow, as if someone thrashed his insides. Yep, love sure does hurt. Quite literally, in his case. He groaned, thinking about his call with John the previous day. I can't believe I have to confess to Sherlock. What if I mess up? He mentally slapped himself. If he didn't confess, he would die. But it wasn't death that fazed the blonde. He wanted to be with Sherlock.  He wanted to hold the raven haired man in his arms, kiss him senseless, and share many more happy memories with him. To be frank, he wanted to be Sherlock's special someone, to be the only one who could see Sherlock in his most vulnerable, to be the first person Sherlock would come to if he was in trouble.  

All hopes and dreams. I don't have the right to dream without taking the first step, he chided himself. Then, he made up his mind. William James Moriarty was not a coward. He was going to confess his feelings and if he died because his feelings were unrequited, then that was fine. It sounded better than coughing up bloody petals for a few miserable months that was left for him. He got ready, called up Sherlock and told him to be at the rooftop of St Barts hospital. Sherlock obliged. Why did I choose a hospital? Never mind, he's going to be there anyway, he thought.

Thirty minutes later, he was at the rooftop. Sherlock was already there, absentmindedly listening to some Bees Gees song. William walked towards him, and pat his shoulder. "Hey Sherlock, how are you?"  he enquired. The raven haired man faced him and replied with a smile, "I'm great Liam. So, why'd you call me here?"


Heh, this has one more part :D

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