Kingsley Holmes

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This was requested by renstired. I hope it meets your expectations! 


"Holmes!"  shouted Sherlock, with a pout on his face. I can't resist that pout and he knows it. Little brat. "Fine, Kingsley Holmes. Not Kingsley Moriarty."  William conceded. A young boy, ten years of age, with raven hair and crimson eyes stood between the two 'gentlemen' as they argued. His name was Kingsley. As for his last name - Holmes or Moriarty -his adoptive parents would be taking care of that. Kingsley was working in a Swiss tavern as a serving boy before he met Sherlock and William. 

After that little stunt in London, the two masterminds decided to get off the grid and live in Switzerland. They stayed at a quaint little cottage in the countryside, doing odd jobs and earning enough money to keep their heads above the water. They met Kingsley in a tavern, where they'd learned about his abusive father who would beat him and threaten to leave him if he didn't give over the money he'd earned. With a bit of tactics and William's persuasive smile (or glare, if you were unlucky), the two men successfully adopted little Kingsley. 

He was a smart kid for his age, and enjoyed playing chess. This delighted Sherlock and William, who were masterminds after all, and more so for the blonde who also enjoyed a good game of chess. They'd admitted him to the local school, made sure to enlighten his mood whenever he was reminded of his abusive father, and basically being the good parents that he deserved. After adoption, he came to be known as Kingsley Holmes. Though William feigned a bit of sadness for not naming him Kingsley Moriarty, in reality, he was relieved. The Moriarty bloodline was a curse - his own 'parents' were the worst, the very representation of the privileged aristocracy that he absolutely despised. His own brothers had lost their name in society, forced to live in shame. But the ultimate goal had been achieved, which had to provide some comfort.

 As the blonde sat, leaning back in an easy chair and lost in thoughts, Sherlock seemed to be saying something. "-re you even listening?" Sherlock was waving his hands in front of William's face, trying to get his attention. "Uh, sorry Sherlock. I wasn't.." William said sheepishly. "Well, listen now. There's a new murder case in town, and I'm gonna show King how to solve a case!"  he looked so excited with his arms around the little boy's shoulders, the blonde almost wanted to let Sherlock do what he wanted. Almost. "No! Are you mad? Why the hell would you take him to a crime scene?  And don't push it off as 'bonding time'. Come here King, let's play some chess."  William took Kingsley by his arm to get the chessboard. Sherlock just stared after them like a lost puppy.

Dusk came, concluding an interesting chess match between William and Kingsley. The little boy then left for his room to finish his homework, while William went to the kitchen to see what Sherlock was cooking. Shepherd's pie, my favourite. He snaked his arms around Sherlock's waist, nuzzling his head into the detective's shoulder. "I thought you were going to play chess. It's more fun, isn't it?"  Sherlock said in a neutral tone, without turning back. "Aw, are you mad Sherly?"  the blonde asked teasingly. He knew when Sherlock was pretending and it was pretty clear he was, now. "Ah, Liam, you see right through me."  the raven haired man chuckled, leaning back against the crime lord. He then turned to face the blonde, pulling him into a passionate kiss, bringing their bodies closer. "Hm, what was that for Mr Detective?"  William asked, feigning innocence. "To make sure you know that I love you, William"  the detective answered, expression serious. The blonde pressed his forehead to Sherlock's, a genuine smile on his face, saying "I love you too, Sherlock. And I always will."


Thanks for the request renstired, I hope you liked it :) 

And don't forget to vote, people.

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