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The deep sapphire waves crashed on the shore, where a certain raven haired man stood, barefoot; waves lapping at his feet. His eyes were closed as he breathed in the sea breeze. How endless, he thought. He could have stayed there, doing the same thing, for eternity. But that's not life, is it? Life means death. There is an end to everything. Sherlock wanted to think otherwise, but deep inside he knew it. Some things begin only to end, like his love for a certain blonde man.

He breathed out, and opened his eyes. The sky was dull and ashen, it was evening after all. It would always be the same ash, every single day to the detective. He would stare at the sea, his eyes lacking the usual shine, which disappeared along with a man named William James Moriarty. 

Why? Why did you have to die? I wish you abandoned your plan for changing the world, William. As selfish as I sound, I loved you, and you loved me. I always understood you, and you understood me. We were made for each other. I only ever wished  we could've been together. Stupid, isn't it? Thinking about you now, after a year you jumped off that bridge. I wish I'd caught you, dying together wouldn't have been half as bad as this. Living alone, no not living, merely existing. 

Sherlock cut off his thoughts. No use thinking about it now. William was long gone. The raven haired man had been told that he had changed many times, by many people. Comments about the loss of his humour, mischievous glint in his eyes, and that smile that could light up anyone's life. They were endless. Just like his agony. John and Ms Hudson tried everything to cheer him up. Sherlock even passed up John's wedding. He simply did not want to be surrounded by so many people. He did wish John and Mary after the crowds left, but the couple could sense his melancholy. His eyes would always be distracted and sad, thinking about the lord of crime. 

I would be lying if I said even Lestrade hadn't tried cheering him up. He would bring almost every case to the detective, convincing his fellow officers to be as dumb as possible and not figure out the truth. Even that didn't faze Sherlock. He did solve them, but not with the usual enthusiasm or regularity. Even his sleep schedule was messed up - he would lay awake, playing a sad tune in his violin for hours on end. 

Look what you did to me, you occupied a huge part of my heart but ripped it off when you pulled that nasty little stunt of yours, falling to your death, Sherlock thought, smiling sadly. He reminisced the events of that wretched day. "You've bested me, Sherly"   the blonde's voice rang in his ears. Yeah, sure I did. 

Sherlock then took one last glance at the land behind, and began walking slowly, but steadily, into the sea. That's the reason why he'd come here, actually. He left a 'thank you' and 'sorry' note to John at their flat, hoping he'd understand. He walked until he was knee length submerged in water. He closed his eyes, thinking about the kiss he'd shared with William, for the final time. 


One word, enough to freeze time itself. Sherlock stopped walking further. However, he remained still and didn't turn back. The waves slowed down, as if obeying the order of this strange man. 

"Don't do it. Please. Turn back"  said the unmistakable voice of the crime lord. No way, Sherlock thought, and turned to face William. Devil red eyes met sapphire ones, and the raven haired man found himself running to his lover, wrapping him in a bone-cracking hug. He burst into tears, sobbing into the crime lord's shoulder. William held Sherlock for sometime, and slowly pulled the detective into a loving kiss. 

The two stayed like that for a while, until the blonde began explaining to Sherlock that he'd feigned his death. Sapphire eyes that lacked any life in them till that moment, were filled with euphoria. He began tearing up again, promising to get back at William for that awful joke, and went back to hugging the blonde. William stroked Sherlock's raven hair, whispering into his ear, 

"I love you. And I'm not going anywhere, Sherlock. I promise."


I kind of wanted this one to be an angst with a happy ending. Was it good? 

Anyway, thanks for reading, and don't forget to vote!

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