Thanks for Reading (A/N)

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Hey guys,

If you haven't noticed, the quality of my most recent oneshots aren't the best. I guess I really just lost inspiration, and I don't wanna write something  just to say that I've written a story. I really don't enjoy doing that, so I hope you understand. 

Nevertheless, you guys have read my stories and commented positively on them and I'm really grateful for that. I was kinda sad that there aren't much stories about MtP, and essentially Sherliam, so I felt the need to contribute (I hope I did justice to the fandom). 

Also, if you guys wanna offer constructive criticism, please do, because if I'm writing another story, it would really be useful for me. And, thanks again for reading my oneshot book. It really means a lot to me, since this was my first book after all.

Have a good day, take care, and stay safe people.

o(* ̄▽ ̄*)o

Byee (for now).

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