Red Camellias - III

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"I'm great Liam. So, why'd you call me here?"

That was when William lost his confidence. Suddenly it seemed like he was faced with a life-death situation, which he was, and he felt genuinely afraid. "U-uh, you see, it's something important. I just-" he stopped abruptly as pain took over his lungs. His breathing rattled, and he clutched his chest. No, not today flowers.

"Oh my god! Are you okay, Liam?!" Sherlock seemed to be shouting, but his voice sounded faraway. The raven haired man rubbed his hands on William's back in an effort to soothe him. How ironic, the blonde thought. The pain subsided a bit and William steadied himself. "Sherlock.. I lik- no. I love you. And I have, for a while. If I hadn't told you sooner I would have wrecked my brains thinking about it, so here I am." he said weakly. "What are you blabbering William? Don't joke this isn't the time for that." Sherlock said, pointing at William's puffy eyes. He was clearly sick.

"You didn't reply to my first statement. Do you like me or not Sherlock?" William asked. He didn't want to tell the raven haired man that he would die if he got rejected. That would put Sherlock in a bad position and the blonde would never do that to his lover. Sherlock's eyes widened, then he frowned. "You're not joking, are you? I hate it when people play with my feelings."

"Of course I'm not."

"Fine, then. Yes. I love you too. You're very special to me, and when we talk I never want to stop. I didn't know what I was feeling all this time, but when you pointed it out to me, it just clicked, I guess." Sherlock said with a shrug.

William couldn't believe Sherlock was taking this so casually. Maybe it was casual, and William was just always overthinking the matter. "Hey, aren't you gonna reply? Isn't this when you ask me to go out with you?" the raven haired man said, waving his arms. 

William was so shocked he wanted to believe that Sherlock was lying. But in his heart he knew his friend (future lover) wouldn't do such a thing. He chuckled, covering his mouth with his hands just in case petals wouldn't come out. That would creep out Sherlock. "Yes, this is that time Sherlock. I'm only saying this once. So hear me out. Will you go out with me Sherlock?" he asked sincerely.

"You bet." Sherlock grinned, shooting finger guns at the blonde. "So what no-" Sherlock didn't get the chance to complete his sentence as his lips were covered by William's. Sherlock tugged at William's hair as the blonde pulled their bodies closer. William bit Sherlock's tongue for entrance to which he gladly obliged. Sherlock lost dominance, unfortunately for him. The two broke apart for air, but William hugged Sherlock again, burying his face in his shoulder. The raven haired man stroked the soft blonde hair of his lover, telling him it was alright. Poor Sherlock couldn't feel his arms after William's bone-cracking hug. Sherlock had work to do and eventually convinced William to let go of him, and the two parted ways.

While walking home, William felt his chest ease up. The pain had almost subsided, and there was no sign of flower petals, thankfully. He went home, feeling quite happy about the date that he had planned for Sherlock the following day. 

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