A Sleepover

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A gentle summer breeze wafted into William's classroom, making him drowsier than he already was. God, this class never seems to end, he thought, rubbing his eyes. His teacher went on and on about some stupid laws of physics. William didn't care. He was pretty sure the other students didn't either. John was literally sleeping, and Sherlock was making paper airplanes with sheets of paper from his school text. William felt a weird fluttery sensation in his stomach whenever he saw his raven haired friend. When Sherlock caught the blonde's eye, he smirked at him, and William was sure the temperature rose up by about ten degrees.

Once the class was over, William packed his belongings and was about to leave, when Sherlock jogged over to him. 

"Yo, Liam!" he exclaimed, grinning.

"Yes, Sherlock?"  the blonde inquired, a smile appearing on his face. 

"Can we have a sleepover at my house?" the raven haired boy asked eagerly. 

"A sleepover?" 

William had spent many sleepovers with Sherlock. But that was when they were kids. Now they were sixteen, and he was pretty nervous about spending time with his friend (crush, I mean).

"Yeah, a sleepover. Come on, it'll be fun like before!" Sherlock continued, and he had put on his best puppy-dog-face. William found it hard to resist. They stared at each other for a while, until William gave in. 

"Fine, I'll be there at your place at 7. Just stop making that face." the blonde said with a long sigh. 

"Yes! Also, I know you love my face." the older boy said, pointing finger guns at William.

Sherlock finally left William alone. Jeez, what a guy. Sometimes William really wondered what he saw in his goofy raven haired friend. 

He exited the school gates and walked over to his home. He was welcomed by Albert and Louis. The three brothers exchanged stories, and when William talked about the sleepover matter, Louis, who was chopping up some vegetables, immediately turned to face the older blonde with glaring crimson eyes.

"A sleepover? With Sherlock?  Brother, if he bothers you, do not hesitate to tell me - I will stab him with this very knife." Louis said in a dangerously calm voice.

"Now, now, Louis, let's stay away from knives and let William enjoy his date, shall we? Besides, Mycroft and I go to the same university and he  won't give me a good time if he found out his brother was murdered by you."  Albert chimed in, much to William's relief. Louis huffed in disappointment - which meant he approved of the sleepover.

Well then, looks like I'll be staying over at Ms Hudson's tonight, William thought, a bit excited.

Time passed, and William packed his essentials in a bag, and was out of the house by 6:45 pm. His friend's house, 221B, was only at a walking distance, so he could make it there by 7. He knocked at the door and was greeted by the raven haired boy. Sherlock was dressed in casual clothing - but that didn't make him any less attractive to William. He must've been gawking, because Sherlock chuckled and asked, "Well, are you planning to sleep on the road?" 

"Um, sorry, I'll come in." the blonde answered, and let himself in. Sherlock's apartment was messy as usual. He really felt sorry for Ms Hudson.

"So, what do you wanna do, Liam? Watch a movie? Play a prank on Ms Hudson? Bake a cake?" Sherlock asked curiously.

"A movie sounds good. And don't prank your landlady, Sherlock!" said William while punching his friend's arm. The blonde plopped himself onto Sherlock's couch while the latter was searching for a good movie to watch. In the end, they decided to watch one of the Harry Potter movies. Sherlock brought a bowl of popcorn to snack on, and so went the next two and a half hours. The whole time, William was dangerously close to Sherlock, who put his head on the blonde's shoulder halfway through the movie making him nervous. It's just a friendly gesture, don't overthink it.

Once the movie was over, Ms Hudson came upstairs with some dinner for the two. She grumbled something about messy apartments to Sherlock - William decided not to ask. They enjoyed her sandwiches and the punch she'd made, and did some homework for a while (Sherlock didn't want to, but William insisted). After that, William put on his pyjamas while Sherlock was cleaning his room (again, under the blonde's insistence). Soon, both boys were ready to sleep. 

Sherlock was already in bed by the time William had brushed his teeth, and the former had lifted one end of the blanket for William. The blonde settled in near his friend, but he couldn't sleep. Sherlock seemed to have slept. The blonde turned to face his friend, and wrapped his arms around him. It was a sudden gesture, and a reckless one at that. He felt his heart almost come to a stop when Sherlock cuddled into William's embrace, wrapping his legs around him. I'm dead tomorrow,  the blonde thought, panicking. 

"Come on, Liam, if you wanted to cuddle me you just had to ask." Sherlock teased, bringing his face closer to the blonde's. He was awake the whole time?!

"Uh- I couldn- I didn-" he stuttered, but his words were cut off when Sherlock pressed his lips to his. His best friend was kissing him, and it was the best thing the blonde had ever felt. He kissed back passionately, and grazed Sherlock's lip with his teeth for entrance, but Sherlock pulled back and said, grinning, "Look who likes me!"

"Yeah, I do, and I'm asking this only once. Will you be my boyfriend?" William asked sincerely. 

"Hell yeah." Sherlock affirmed.

William felt truly happy. He was glad that Sherlock liked him back, though sometimes he wanted to just punch him. But that's just the kind of person Sherlock was - annoying and endearing, and William loved him more than anything.


Wow, that was way longer than expected :p

Anyway, thanks for reading and don't forget to vote :) 

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