New Beginnings

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Sherlock was sleeping blissfully under a pile of blankets, that is until, a certain blonde decided to wake him up.

"Get up Sherlock, it's dawn."  William said sternly.

"Mm- Five more minutes.." the detective mumbled in his sleep.

"Out. Of. The. Bed. Now."  

"Fineee. Let me get up."  Sherlock opened his eyes slowly, only to be greeted with the stern face of his lover. He's so beautiful, I should sleep in late and make him angry all the time.

Sherlock was about to pull William down and kiss him, when his eyes darted towards the window. Oh no, he didn't,  the older man thought angrily.

"William. What's the meaning of this? The sun has not even risen yet! You woke me up at this ungodly hour, why would you do such a thing?" Sherlock pouted.

The crime lord's anger disappeared. His eyes turned wistful and distant; a slight smile appearing on his face, as he said, "I just wanted to see the sunrise with you." 

The raven haired man blinked. Then he began chuckling. "So that's what this was about? Let's go, but next time just make sure to tell me the previous night, okay?"

William nodded seriously and looped his arm through the detective's, dragging him out of their little cottage. The two men sat on a wooden bench outside their home, from where they could see hills stretching endlessly towards the horizon. Sherlock noticed William still hadn't let go of his hand, but he was totally fine with it. They sat there for a while, in comfortable silence.

The detective noticed that the blonde's eyes had turned clouded and distant again - and he'd been noticing this for the past few weeks. Ever since they started living together in Switzerland, William had changed. But this was new - Sherlock was afraid that something was bothering his lover, but he knew the younger male would tell him in his own time. If there was one thing Sherlock knew for sure about his William, it was that the blonde would never say what was going on his mind if he was pressured - so naturally, the detective decided to give him some time. But he couldn't sit still doing nothing, either. 

Whenever he found William staring off into space, he would accommodate - little things like giving the blonde a bear hug, or kissing the top of his head, or simply just holding his hand to get the message across that he wasn't alone  - and they all seemed to work well, temporarily, at least. Now, he was getting seriously worried. He decided to try asking the blonde.

"Hey, Liam, you know I love you, right?" Sherlock asked, facing his lover.

"Yeah, yeah I do, Sherlock."  the blonde affirmed, but he averted his eyes.

"Then, if something's-" the detective was cut off as William put a finger to his lips, and gestured towards the horizon. 

"The sun is rising, Sherly. It's beautiful, isn't it?"


And indeed it was. The sun slowly rose up the horizon, bathing evergreen hills in golden light, and the sky a hue of fiery gold that turned the shade of William's eyes similar to that of an everlasting flame. The morning breeze caressed his lover's blonde hair, so it danced to the wind - truly a remarkable sight. The sunset, of course, not William (whatever you say, Sherlock).

William withdrew his hand from Sherlock's and turned to face him again. Aw, I like it when he's clingy, the detective pouted internally. But then, the younger male lifted his hand again to caress the side of Sherlock's face. The latter was a bit surprised, but he was enjoying it. Sherlock was a bit flustered when William leaned closer, connecting their lips. They kissed passionately, until the blonde pulled back. Sherlock was a bit disappointed. When he looked into his lover's scarlet eyes, they were much clearer - more than they had ever been. 

William took his other free hand and entwined his with Sherlock's. What Sherlock didn't notice was, the fact that the blonde had sneakily slithered a beautiful ring in his finger. 

"I love you, Sherlock. And I want to spend the rest of my life with you. You've sacrificed a lot to be with me, here, at this moment. And I appreciate everything you've done for me. So, what do you say Sherlock?"

Sherlock was dumbfounded. He was still staring at the ring - a beautiful band of silver, decorated with one deep azure sapphire. When he embraced his reality, he tore his eyes away from the ring and looked into his lover's eyes. They were filled with longing now, longing for that one person who would be the anchor in his life. And Sherlock was glad to be that person.

"Yes. Oh, god, Yes!"  the detective said, grinning. He leaned forward and hugged William, and then the two men went back to admiring the sunrise. After all, a simple phenomena such as that, symbolises a new beginning; new life; and new hope. 


Yes, I wanted them to marry. Hope you liked it, thanks for reading and don't forget to vote :))

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