Just a client

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Sherlock was sprawled across the couch in his apartment, 221B, Bakers Street. His mind was a whirlwind of thoughts.

He massaged his temples, clearly exhausted from the lack of sleep. The chilly winter air did not help his mood. As he thought relentlessly of ways to cure his chronic boredom, a knock sounded on the door. A single knock. Not John, he thought. The ex-army doctor would open the door directly, given that he lives there. Ms Hudson would barge into the house as she mostly either came to inform about Lestrade's arrival, or to kick Sherlock's ass. That left only one possibility : a client.

Sherlock sighed, getting up from his comfortable position. He pulled his air into a ponytail, and straightened his clothes. The detective opened the door without enthusiasm; it was mostly a 'lost-my-dog' or a 'I-think-my-fiance-is-cheating-on-me' case. When he opened the door, his eyes fell on a tall man in a black hooded coat, blonde hair falling all over his face and covering those beautiful devil red eyes. William! Sherlock screamed internally, as his eyes widened at the sight of a tired looking crime lord. William didn't say anything. Sherlock didn't either. They both just stood there, staring at each other, until William's eyes rolled back and he fell face first on the ground, or at least he would have, if the raven haired man hadn't caught him. Oh my god is he sick?! Sherlock panicked. He picked up the blonde, bridal style, and made him lie down on his couch. He then sat on the floor, facing the crime lord.

"Liam, are you okay?"  he asked, concerned. William just shook his head, and turned so that he didn't have to face Sherlock. "Liam"  the detective repeated, his tone a bit sterner this time. The younger male didn't turn back, but responded, "Deaths. So many deaths. All crafted by me." His voice was fragile, like he was trying his best not to break down. Sherlock ran his fingers through the soft blonde hair of the man whom he loved. He knew why the blonde was doing this. And he supported him with his whole heart. But it saddened him to see his Liam like this, but all he could do was provide some warmth and comfort that the blonde was deprived of.

 William turned back suddenly, facing the older male. He closed the distance between them in a passionate kiss. He tugged at Sherlock's raven hair, as the detective bit William's bottom lip, asking for entrance, which he was denied (poor Sherlock). William then broke the kiss, and Sherlock looked at him with a pout. William ruffled Sherlock's hair, whispering a small 'thank you'. He then got up from the couch, took his cane and pulled the hood over his face again as he made his way to Sherlock's door. 

The raven haired man gripped the younger male's wrist. "Take care Liam. Whenever you feel lonely, come here. You're always welcome."  he said, causing a genuine smile to appear on the otherwise stoic crime lord's face. He left without a word, but the older male knew William was grateful. 

This wasn't the first time this happened, after all. He would come to Sherlock's apartment at odd times, mentally and emotionally tired, and the raven haired man would hold him for however long as the blond wanted. Whenever John asked Sherlock about it, the raven haired man would chuckle slightly, and brush it off with a simple 'Just a client.'


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