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The spring breeze ruffled Sherlock's raven hair as he lay lazily on the grassy ground. His eyes were closed and his mouth twitched upwards in a small, blissful smile. He hummed in content as he heard footsteps. Normally, Sherlock wouldn't bother remembering people based off on something as simple as the sound of their footsteps, though he was fully capable of it. But of course, this person wasn't just someone to Sherlock. Those were the footsteps of a certain blonde man whom he loved. 

"Get up Sherlock. You've been lying there for the past two hours"  William scolded.

"Aw c'mon Liam.. won't you let me rest even for a while?"  Sherlock teased back.

Sherlock jumped up immediately as William's face loomed over him, ruby eyes glaring. Wow, I can't believe someone can look so beautiful when they're angry. He resisted the urge to pull William's face down and kiss him senseless. But he couldn't keep his feelings hidden for long. After all, the person he loved also happened to be a genius like him. William would figure something was wrong soon enough. And well, Sherlock wanted to confess his feelings, rather than being figured out by the blonde. 

"Alright, alright, I'm up!"  He put his hands up in the air in surrender.

William sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose. Sherlock knew he could be insufferable some times. He just had  to get a train to Durham, and lie down on the University grounds where people weren't supposed to lie down, all just to spite the mathematics professor. But, deep inside, Sherlock knew it was worth it. After all, anything was worth the time if it was for his William.

"So Sherlock, aren't you going to tell me why you're here?"  William asked in an annoyed tone as he took a seat in a wooden bench nearby. The detective joined him on the bench and the two sat a healthy distance apart. Sherlock's face suddenly became serious. William raised an eyebrow, confused. The younger male had a fair idea of what Sherlock was going to say, so he gently placed his hand on the raven haired man's shoulder, encouraging him to continue.

Sherlock took his chance and placed his hand on William's. 

"The truth is, Liam.. I like you. A lot. You make me feel understood, happy, and you're the only one other than John who hasn't criticised my intelligence. When I'm with you, I feel like my brains are being put to the test; and there's this fluttery feeling in my stomach I can't quite explain. I.. may have fallen in love with you. I understand if you don't feel the same.. I am, another man after all."  Sherlock had a sad smile on his face as he finished his speech.

William looked quite shocked. Not about the fact that Sherlock loved him, but because the older male thought William didn't love him back. It was quite obvious wasn't it? They had a relationship that was not merely friendship, and they didn't generate the same feel as siblings as well. It could only be qualified as love; something William thought he would never experience, until he met the detective. 

Sherlock was still looking at him expectantly, waiting for an answer. William let out a soft chuckle at Sherlock's puppy dog face. He thinks this is funny? Sherlock thought. William then removed his hand from Sherlock's shoulder and cupped the side of his face. He leaned forward towards towards Sherlock, their foreheads a hair's breadth apart. Then, he did something the detective least expected. He kissed him. And Sherlock kissed him back.

William then deepened the kiss, his hand caressing the side of Sherlock's face. Sherlock ran his hands through William's hair, clearly enjoying the moment. The two then broke apart for air. 

"Of course I love you too, Sherlock."  William said, smiling. Sherlock grinned. His confession had gone well, in the end.


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