Chapter 1 : The Search

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After about a year of the events of "The End," Violet and Klaus Baudelaire finally feel comfortable enough to leave the house in the evenings, leaving Sunny and Beatrice Baudelaire behind. However, it is traditionally frowned upon to leave toddlers alone in a rather sensible-sized house. As you no doubt remember, Sunny Baudelaire can handle herself. Thus, the eldest Baudelaires concluded they'd have to call a babysitter. There was only one problem...

"We don't know any babysitters," Klaus pointed out to his sister in the kitchen, far from Beatrice's whereabouts were the younger siblings were playing.

Violet leaned against the fridge.

"I know, but they must be someone worth calling. I don't feel comfortable leaving them alone or, worse, with Mr. Poe..." she trailed off, her face shifting to an expression of disgust as she remembered Mr. Poe's less-than-helpful role in her and her siblings' lives.

"We'll find somebody," Klaus insisted, more for himself than for Violet.

"Doubtful," Violet scoffed. "Sunny, and us, for that matter, are alleged murderers."

Violet paused to tie up her hair, which made her brother slightly more hopeful. There was no problem his sister couldn't solve.

"Get the phonebook."

"Good. Now, see if you can find anything related to babysitting in there. There has got to be someone in here who can take decent care of a child..."

Klaus scoffed.

"Not likely," he muttered, but he started to flip through the dusty book anyway, scanning the "B" section.

Hair tied back with a ribbon, Violet picked up the phone and scribbled something on a notepad.

"I haven't found any numbers yet," Klaus said.

"I'm calling the newspaper. Maybe they can put an ad in for a babysitter for us."

Klaus took a moment to remember the local newspaper, The Daily Punctilio. He doubted they could rely on it to find a suitable babysitter, but he knew Violet was aware of this and didn't press her.

"Nothing," he concluded a few minutes later, slamming the book shut. His demeanor surprised Violet. She had never seen him so unkind to a book before.

"Then the newspaper is our only option," Violet said quietly. "I'll call. You just take a break, okay?"

"I don't need a break," Klaus insisted, but he picked up the phone book and left anyway.


Hey, I hope you like the story. I just wanted to let you know that the first chapters are almost the same as the ones of Hufflepuffnstuff. So if you have already read it, you can skip them if you want. (I just added a few more words or changed some phrases.)

A misadventures in babysitting ( klaus Bauldelair x reader)  endingWhere stories live. Discover now