Chapter 35: We found it

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Klaus P.O.V

We finally arrived ate te adress. We were all so worried that they would not be j in n the house. But we got lucky. They opend the door and could not stop crying at the sight of seeing their children. Me and Javier stood there quite awkwardly. But they welcomed us. We decided to walk back to Esmeé house to see how everything was going. We explained everything and Isadora introduced her boyfriend and her brother talked about his girlfriend . I was worried about y/n. I felt something was wrong. When we entered the house we found no clue of them. I heard their father ask Isadora something and she said " Ask Klaus he knows every single thing about her by hart.". I felt a bit ashamed but that quickly went away when I saw it was y/n bracelet.

" she wore it on the day her grandpa died and from that day she never took it of." I said admiring how much she cared about the people she lived and how adorable it was if her when suddenly I realized " she must be in danger she never takes it if!" I said whilst running in the house like crazy.

" Calm down young man." Their father said whilst putting his hand in my shoulder. " we will find her."

We finally found a secret doorway behind the pink chimney. We entered.

Duncan P.O.V

I ran to Violet. First things first I kissed her. It felt good felling her lips on mine again. The kids went like this I ran to her obviously. I went on one knee and gently took her head closer to mine. Now I did not care my parent were there I loved her. She was tight to a chair and I got her out of it. My parent  helped Isadora and Sunny Javier helped Cedar and Klaus wel he helped his love y/n.
We all got safe out of the house. It was funny because y/n and Isadora were still a bit sleepy and messy because of the sleeping product they used on them.

Klaus P.O.V

When I ran to y/n she said in a soft tone " my Prince Charming." I noticed she was still a bit drugged. When we went out of the house she had her arm around my neck and I had mine around her middle.
She was cute. She was mumbling about her favorite book pride and prejudice. I could not understand what she was saying because she was talking in French but I could see on Javier face he could. I understood one or two words like a little house. But for the rest I was clueless. The cops took care of Esmeé and all the rest. We went back to the ship. I was on my way to but y/n to bed because she was still a bit drugged just a little bit. She had a big headache and was a bit clumsier than usual but that was all. She had her arm around my shoulder to make sure she would not fall. We walked in the room I closed the door as she sat on the bed. I turned my back to her. As she wanted to stand up to turn the light on that is kn her bedside table she almost fel but I quickly catched her. She had her arms around my neck and my arms were around her hips. Her face was facing mine as we looked into each other's eyes. I could feel the butterfly's in my belly going crazy.

" Thanku for saving me Mr Darcy." She said looking down but than back in my eyes. It was absolutely adorable how she called me Mr Darcy referencing a character in Pride and prejudice. God she was beautiful. Our faces got closer. And there it was the one thing I craved since the day I met her. I kissed her. I could feel hee lips brushing on mine. It was absolutely amazing. Our lips parted as we looked back into each other's eyes. Y/n giggled a bit whilst looking down and blushing hopping I would not she her blush. I smiled at her.

" Come in love let's put you to bed." I said whilst she slowly pulled her arms from behind my neck. I did not want to let go of her but I wanted her to sleep so I forced myself to.
I put her to bed. I gave her a kiss on her forehead. But this girl placed her hands behind my neck and puled my face closed to hers and kissed me. It was a passionate one. So much that I sat on her bed. I was stunned the most perfect girl in the hole universe just kissed me. She asked me if I wanted to sleep with her so I obviously did. We cuddled. And talked a bit but for the most part I let her sleep. I felt uncomfortable knowing that maybe she was still drugged and that maybe the kiss did not have a meaning to her. In the morning I work up next to her. She was awake and looked at me.

Y/n P.O.V.

I looked at him omg he was so cute.

With his morning voice he said " hello love." And freaking kissed my I was melting and blushing and my hormones were going crazy and I had my period. But how could I resist his adorable face.
" hy." I said shyly. He made my shy. I walked out of bed to change my pad. When I saw Violet brushing her teeth and Isadora coming her hair and Cedar just standing their . They stopped everything when they saw me.

" did he kiss you?" Asked Isadora
" where is your lover?!" Asked Violet.
" are you a thing?" Asked Cedar

Klaus came behind me and Said " Leave her alone." He said it in a protective way wich was adorable. He placed his hands on my hips and turned me around so that I was facing him.

" Does thus answer all your questions." He said a when he placed his lips on mine. His hand were still on my hips when I put mine on his chest. The girls were standing there with their eyes wide open and a big grin on their face. Our lips parted. I hugged him. I turned back to the girls.

" yes, yes it does." Violet answered
" we will leave you now." Said Isadora and they left.
We stood there

" y/n I never really told you what I wanted to do here goed nothing. The moment you entered our house you bewitched me body and soul. And I love
I- love. You." He said holding my eyes. I was going crazy " Ow Klaus you do not even want to imagine how I feel right now. I love you Klaus since the moment I saw you and my love for you will last for ever." And we hugged because we did enough of they kissing stuff.


There you go there love story. I will probably end the story when they arrive and of course Y/n will tell her father about Klaus. But I just want to thank u all for the 5.4 K and let me know if you want me to maybe to a other book. I melted whilst writing this I hope you did while reading this.

Ps. With lots of love S.L

A misadventures in babysitting ( klaus Bauldelair x reader)  endingWhere stories live. Discover now