Chapter 27 : A True Story Is not Happy All The Time.

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Violet P.O.V

I didn't knew my brother knew he liked me.
I looked at Duncan and smiled a bit.
And he looked at me and smiled at me with his cute smile.

That is when Quigley ran in. He almost fell.
" G-guys, ... we are almost there." He said.
Cedar came in too. We have accepted her now. I think y/n hasn't. But I think she is just scared too let someone in. With us it was easier, she needed too do it. I looked at Klaus, we actually made eye contact.
He looked at me and made me know he wanted to talk to me. He stood up and walked away to his room. A few minutes later I followed him. I knocked on his door. He opend it and let me in.

He went to his bed and sat on it.

" Violet, do you think mom and dad will be there too?" He asked me looking down at his feet.

" klaus," I said softly . I walked to him and sat next to him.

" I-I don't know." I said whilst putting ma arm around him.

We sat like that for a good 20 minutes. But after a wile we heard footsteps. The door opend and we both looked and saw Sunny.

" ow Sunny." Klaus tried to say without to manny sniffs. He opend his arms for her to come in. And that is exactly what she did.

But someone else came too.
It was the one and only Y/n.
She came running after Sunny but when she enterd the room she looked at us. At that exact moment she froze. Me and klaus looked at each other. I saw a tear falling down her face. And after a few seconds she fell down on her knees sobbing like I thought I would never see her sobbing. Klaus stood up and ran to her. He bend down. He moved his hand in front of her face. But she didn't move. He looked at me without any emotions showing. We both knew well enough what was happening. Panic attack. We both already had a few.

He took her up and laid her on the bed. He sat next to her and brushed his fingers over her cheek saying " I don't know what you are thinking b-but I want you to know I care about you a lot and-nd , y/n I love you." He said. Looking at her hoping his words would work. He sat there waiting for 2 minutes, but they felt like eternity. She sat back up and looked at Klaus. He hugged her. And for once she hugged him back. I went to her and hugged her too. But not short after I left the room with Sunny. We both went too the rest.

Klaus P.O.V.

I looked at Sunny and Violet leaving. I was still sitting next to y/n. I wanted to ask her if she was okey. But I know she wasn't. I had failed my own mission.... protecting her. I have had this mission sinds the day I met her. At first she was a stranger after she was someone I knew, someone who knew me longer I knew them. Little did I know she was going too become my friend who I share the same soul with. And now well she is the girl I would go in hell for. I would do it for my sisters to but she she is a other chapter in my book.

A misadventures in babysitting ( klaus Bauldelair x reader)  endingWhere stories live. Discover now