chapter 24 : The Weird Day

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As I said I felt like it was gone be a good day.
And I still stay whit it. Sow after we all ate we arranged the mobile air thingy. duncan asked me if i could join him on top of the ship. So i did he told me it was becaus i knew him one year today. Too be complitly honest  i did not look at the datata we met. But it was verry sweet of him tho.

" Violet,." He said

I looked at him

" Thanku, for being my friend and never doubting me. Excepting that somtimes I am still a little kid." He said whit a slide blush.

" your my friend that is wat friend or for." I said giving him a hug. I had just given him my hug when suddenly the rain was poring on us. We ran but than the ship was pushed too the side. We both fell on the floor and Rolex to the right side of the ship. I was scared really scared. Duncan grabbed my hand.

"Don't worry we will be fine." He tried too say while the wind was going crazy.

Our hair flew at every direction. And the rain felt like a God was crying over us. We bot sat at the inside edge of the ship. I looked in his eyes worried. He looked back in mine. We ware bother laying on. Our side facing each other.

" don't worry." He said whilst brushing his fingers on my face.

At that moment I felt it. I felt the butterflies in my belly. I couldn't believe he brushed his fingers over my face when we ware in the middle of a storm. But I guess that is what I like so much about him. I feel like I can be my goofy self around him. Ow god I guess I'm in love.

A misadventures in babysitting ( klaus Bauldelair x reader)  endingWhere stories live. Discover now