Chapter 30: The love player

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We had catched up with the rest.

" come on guys." Said Duncan.
He looked at us.
We both chuckled a bit and walked farther.

We wandered a bit further and after we went back too the ship waiting for the call of y/n father.
Ceders phone rang so she went outside of the ship.

Ceders P.O.V.

I answered my phone and it was Esmeé.

" hello my sweetheart are you on your denstination yet" she said

" yes yes I am." I answered.

" alright follow the plan." She said
" I-I'm no-" she cut the phone before I could finish my phrase. I did not know what to do anymore. I liked these people and I am not a mean person I think. I have lost everyone I did not wanne loose them to. I took a deep breath. And walked back in the ship my eyes ware watering. " stay strong stay strong." I said to myself.

" guys." I said standing in front of them. I could feel my hart go faster and faster by the minute.
" I need to tell you all something." " And before you get mad please let me explain myself. I want you to understand why." I said. They all looked like they ware ready.

" I was going to play all of you. But I will not do it." I could feel the tear run down my cheek.

" Do you know Esmeé. She said she would pay me 2 million if I gave you to her. The thing was I did not know who you ware and I live alone I needed the money for food for the rent and  for school. And and I know my mother would be ashamed of me but I had no choice." " So I am verry sorry and I understand if you don't want to be friends with me and leave me here. " I said.

" Cedar we would never." Said Isadora while standing up and putting a arm around here.

" you did nothing." Said y/n while standing next to me.

" yes I means you did but it's not like you are giving us up now are you." Said Violet joining them.

" no I would prefer to die. You are all the only people I have left. I care about you. All of you" I said while looking at Quigley.

" guys can I talk to her alone." Said quigley he stood up and took my arm an puled me out of the room. To the guest room.

I tried to explain myself" Quigley look I am verry sorry I would not have doen if it if I know you would be one of them." I said

" wel I am happy you did. No we have met." He said
I laughed a bit.

" I am sorry Quigley." " I should not ha- and than he kissed me .
" you should of have other wise I could not have met the most perfect girl in the world.
I was shocked but in a good way. I hugged him
But suddenly the door opens and Javier,Isadora,y/n,Violet,Duncan and klaus fell in the room.

" sorry we ware umm-" y/n

" don't even try y/n" Javier said cutting her of

" yes good point" she answered.


Sorry it has been a while but life is gowing in the all the places it can go.

I can't believe we are already on chapter 30. The next ones will follow. 

A misadventures in babysitting ( klaus Bauldelair x reader)  endingWhere stories live. Discover now