Chapeter 13 : the Grocery store

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Violet P.O.V

Duncan was pushing the grocery-car. He really acted like a 6 year old. Even Sunny was more mature at that point.

"Wieeeeeeee." He screamed

" Duncan your are going to  get us kicked out."  Isadora said in a mad tone.

She went to an other iles .

" Okay let's continue." I said 

We had found  all the grocery so we checked out.

We were on the bus but there was a  long long line.

We sat there talking about everything and nothing.

We listened too music to.


Okay I know this chapter is really short. But I don't know how I needed to write this. There will still be a Dunclet parts don't worry. If you have a idea for this chapter please leave a comment or send me a massage.

A misadventures in babysitting ( klaus Bauldelair x reader)  endingWhere stories live. Discover now