Chapter 34: Is this It

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P.O.V y/n

I was happy were going to find there parents back but worried for the outcome.
We walked  and walked. We were tired but did we have a choice? We just wanted all this to end as quickly as possible. We were just a bunch of hormones together. We were all scared and sad  because of the people we lost. We still needed to walk 2 hours and we would be at Esmeé  place.
The other group would go and get their parents.
I felt bad I couldn't save the Baudelaire parents.
(Skipping 2 hours)  we finally arrived.  We had made a plan on the way. It went like this. Cedar would knock on the door and tell Esmeé that she lost us. Know we don't know what Esmeé is going to do but we called some help of other agents older ones. And hopefully she will let her in our go surch for us so that we or have Cedar inside the home or have no one at home. If cedar is inside the home than we will slowly enter ass wel and tijd her to a chair. And call the cops and all what is needed. If she left searching for us than me and Sunny will do our detective work in the house and Javier and Quigley will follow her. Cedar will continue act bye running after her and telling her she is sorry and will help her find us.

Cedar walked towards the house whilst we were hiding in bushes. We saw her knocking at the door of the house. We waited for what felt a eternity for Esmeé to open the door but. As she slowly opend her pink front door we saw her blond hair and her body stepping in our view. We saw Cedar talking it was rather funny to see Cedar talking with her hands her acting was very good. She let Cedar inside. So we follows our plan the only rather important thing we forget to include in our plan is how the hell we knew when we could enter the home.  So the brave Quigley wanted to see how his lover was doing so he peeked in one of the big windows of the house. When he turned back to us he had a concerned look on his face wich concerned me and I am guessing the rest.

" I can't see her." He said.
But before we could say anything he ran back to the house and open the window in a way or another and got inside. We were shocked but we followed him in the house. It was all pink and glitters. We investigates the house but no trace was left behind.
So we walked and walked and walked around the house I was holding Sunny's hand when out of nowhere I felt arm wrapping around my waist from behind me I tried to wriggle out of the arms but I could not Sunny Followed me ass she did not k ow I was being dragged but that person had put tape over my mouth. I was shaking my arm so that my bracelet would fall of lucky for me it did.


I am so verry sorry it took me so long even tho I promised my writing would be more on schedule. But unfortunately The last time I edited this chapter it was 12/04/20/22 my grandpa was in the hospital and it was the last time I saw him not knowing it was. I was waiting for my dad whilst I edited this chapter and later that day he passed away. I never told him I wrote. Tomorrow it will be 40 days he has passed and I wanted you all to have this chapter. So yeah it has been hard for me. I don't want you to feel sorry for me it anything but I just wanted you all to know why I was absent. I you need to talk you can always dm me. And please don't hesitate. You won't bother me.

P.s whit lots of love S.L

A misadventures in babysitting ( klaus Bauldelair x reader)  endingWhere stories live. Discover now