Chapter 12 : The Fortunet Lettre

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Me Klaus and Quigley ware at home wile Isadora Duncan and Violet ware on there way to the grocery store.

" Are we going to devide the tasks." I asked

" Sure, okay y/n you make their lunch bags because you are the only one who can cook. Klaus you make there backpack and I clean the bathroom. After that I take Beatrice to here kindergarten and you to take Sunny." Said Duncan.

" Okay let's start we have a hour." I said

We all moved as fast as possible. After twenty minutes we were done.

" I guess we will be needing to go by bicycles. There is no buss that goes to the school." I said

" Yes, do you have a bike y/n." Klaus asked me

"Yes I do, wait I will go get it."I said already walking away.

I ran as fast as I could my house wasn't that far but it was a good 20 minutes by foot. After a good 13 minutes I was there I knocked on the door and my dad opened.

" Y/n I got some news." He said

" ok dad tell me." I said

" Well I got a letter that said the Quagmire parents are still alive."

" Dad but we knew that."

" Y/n we know ware they are."

"  Are you serious . Where?"

" In France."

" Did they wrote the letter."

" Yes and they asked if you and Javier could help them come here."

"Does Javier work for VFD to. Dam it. I should have known.But dad I need to go, see you later, and we will make a plan okay." I said boxing him.

" See you later my daughter."

"Bye" I ran down to the garage I took my bike and my helmet and went as fast as possible.

I was there. And klaus, Sunny on a baby seat behind him were waiting for me.

" Sorry klaus my dad talked to me and  it was important."

" No worries, come on."

We ware fast. I could feel the wind go through my hair that was stucked under my helmet. We arrived and said goodbye to Sunny. We went back home and Klaus thanked me.

" klaus I really don't mind."

" I know you don't, but thx."

I smiled and looked down. We went and sat on the couch. Klaus got a message.

" It's Quigley he said that he needed to stay a bit because Beatrice doesn't want him to go." Klaus said looking at his phone and than and me to see my reaction.

" Ow okay." I said

He send him a text.

" Uh klaus."

" Ow look it's raining." He said looking out of the window.

" Ah yes it is." I said.

" Wanne read a book. Like together."He asked

" Together?"I replied

" Yes I mean I read a page and than you. But if you don't want to that's alright."

" No, No it's perfect I uh mean great idea."i quickly replied to his preposition

He stood up and made it clear that I needed to come with him. He went up too the planks where the books were on.

A misadventures in babysitting ( klaus Bauldelair x reader)  endingWhere stories live. Discover now