Chapter 36 : The end but is it really

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We finally arrived home I knocked on the my front door and my dad opend the door.

I ran into his arms and hugged him tight. But I quickly regretted my decision when I realized Klaus was next to me and how it must of felt knowing everyone had their parents except them. So I ran back to Klaus and took his wrist and pulled him to my dad they shook hands and said hello and than I pulled him showing him the house. I asked my dad if I could take him to see my room and my dad agreed. So I did. I opend the door " Tada!!" I said whilst opening the door leading to my room. Klaus chuckled as we went into my room.
He wondered around and asked a few things.

" Is that Javier."

He said while pointing at the picture frame

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He said while pointing at the picture frame.

" yeah that is him. We have been friends as king as I could remember. He is like a older brother to me and I a younger sister to him." I said while walking to him.

"And who is that ?" Klaus asked.

Now pointing at the picture frame next to the previous one

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Now pointing at the picture frame next to the previous one.

" that is me and my dad." I said realizing I never really told him my story.

" My dad was a normal man except that he stayed away from women because the only one he truly loved. Wel let's just say the could not be together.
And one rainy evening someone nocked on his door. He opened it and saw me in a basket with a note saying I was his. Wich could not be true because he had not slept with anyone. But he decided to keep me. And that day became my birthday." I said

" you never wanted to surch for your real parents?" He asked a bit curiously.

"No my dad and I took a dna test and he was intact my dad. And my mom left me to him for a reason but I don't need to have a answer." I said.

My dad called us so we went down stairs.

" Klaus I want you to consider the fact that if you would all like to your sisters and you can live in this house. We have enough room and you are spending money on a house. So I would say we rent yours and
Than you can come live here. Now it is not a obligation." My dad said in a friendly but serious tone. And I could not stop smiling.

" Mr Snicket it is a very nice preposition. And I want to thank u really. I will first discuss it with my sisters if you would not mind. But I have one question." He said. I felt like he was talking like a adult with the best vocabulary that I had ever heard but I guess that is one of the reasons I fell for him.

" Go e head." My dad said

" Why would you do this." He asked

" Let's say I knew your mom. She was like a angel to me. And I promised her I would take of her so now I am would like to take care of you." He said.

" Dad, really of topic but umm please don't be mad..... he and I are kind of a thing." I said while rubbing my hands together because they are sweaty.

" I noticed the way Klaus looked at you." He said

" I am sorry Mr Snicket If I made u uncomfortable in any way." Klaus said.

" Please call me Snicket and don't worry about it. I am not than happy about it." My dad said we spend a bit of time together talking about Klaus parents and all but unfortunately he headed home. So I talked to my dad

The Bauldelairs agreed to stay with us. Violet and me shared a room. Sunny had her one and so did Beatrice and Klaus. We did not mode sharing a room it was our choice actually. The kids went to bed at 08:30 and we at 10:30 wich ment we would wake them up when entering our rooms.
We were really happy and we would all hang out almost every day. Sunny made some friends beside us so they had play dates. And my dad well he lived taking care of Beatrice. So we could all be as peaceful as a group of teens could be.

The end


I legit can't believe we did it! We ended this book. I am really thankful if you stuck with me this long. :) and I love you all so much. I wanted to let you know that I am thinking of writing a sequel but it won't be as long as this one. Before I go I want to thank the original writer again and give her some credit @hufflepuffnstuff.
And I can't believe it has been almost a year. I started writing 31/07/2021 - 11/04/2022. And last but not least I want to thank u all for the positive comments I got about my grammer mistakes.

Ps. With lots of love

                                 Sasha Lombaerts

A misadventures in babysitting ( klaus Bauldelair x reader)  endingWhere stories live. Discover now