Chapter 10 : The Sleep Over

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Your P.O.V

The girls were on the bus to go to y/n's home. When they came home, they went upstairs to y/n's room. They went and sat on y/n's bed.

"Okay, so what are we going to do?" You asked.

"We could maybe put Beatrice to bed so we can talk and have fun in peace," said Violet, looking at Beatrice who was singing as loud as a plane landing.

The girls put her to bed in peace.

"Well, that was World War |||," you said, laughing.

"How did you guys meet?" I asked Violet and Isadora. Even if I knew how they met, it was fun hearing it from them.

They told you all about their journey. It was fun hearing their side of the story.

"And how did you guys meet?" Isadora asked.

"Well, let's just say we needed a babysitter, and we found one," Violet told Isadora.

"Y/n, would you mind showing me the bathroom?" Violet asked.

"Ow, sure, follow me," you said while standing up and showing her the way.

You went back to Isadora.

"Hey, uhhh, would you mind not telling Violet that I work for VFD? I don't want her to think I'm spying on them, which I sort of am, but for my dad, and I'm not spying; I just tell my dad what happened that day. I always put the money back in their home because I feel bad." You asked Isadora.

"If you don't feel comfortable, I won't," she said while smiling at you.

"Thx, you are the best, Is," you said, shaking her because you hated hugs. She was used to you doing that and always loved it.

Violet came back in the room, and she was looking at your books.

"You like books, don't you?" She said, staring at your library.

"Yes, I do. I may have a slight obsession too," you said.

"You guys can go through my stuff; I don't mind," you said.

Isadora took a picture. "Who is this? He is kind of cute," she asked, looking at a picture frame.

"Ow, he. That is Javier; he lives next door."

"Is he your best friend?" She asked.

"No, he is just a friend. He moved here a few weeks ago."

"Okay, th-" she said, but someone knocked on the door.

You went downstairs with the girls following you.

You opened the door.

"Bonjour." (Hello)

"Bonjour Javier, rentre." (Hello Javier, come in.)

"Merci y/n." (Thx y/n)

"Je te présente Isadora et Violet. Elles ne parlent pas français." (I present you Isadora and Violet. They don't speak French.")

Isadora P.O.V

Y/n opened the door. And I saw Javier; he looked even nicer than in the picture. He had dirty blond hair with grey eyes.

"Hello Isadora and Violet." He said with a thick French accent. "I am Javier, nice meeting you." He said smiling.

I stood there looking at him when I felt Violet elbowing me.

"H-hello Javier, I am Isadora, but you already know that; I, uh, nice meeting you too." I said, stumbling.

"Yes, nice meeting you." Said Violet.

"Y/n je suis venue parce que je voulais te rendre ton livre. La place à prendre." (I came here to give you your book back. The place to take.) he said.

"Merci Janvier tu l'as aimez?" (Thanku Javier did you like it.)

"Oui je l'ai adoré." (Yes, I loved it)

"Parfait." (Perfect)

"Je m'excuse mais je dois retourner à la maison. Merci encore une fois." (I'm sorry, but I need to return home thx once again.)

"Au revoir." (Bye)

"Au revoir." (Bye)

Y/n closed the door.

"Isadora, you like him!" Y/n excited.

"I, uhhh, he is cute."

"Ahhh," Violet screamed together with y/n.

We went back upstairs.

"Does he have someone?" I asked.

"Nope, he is all for you," Y/n said.

"Is he your first love?" She asked.

"Nope, actually not," I said.

Y/n looked surprised.

"I will tell you who it is, but don't get the wrong idea," I said.

"I won't," she said, looking a bit scared.

"It was Klaus. Klaus Baudelaire," I said, hoping she wouldn't be mad or something.

"Why do you think I would be mad? I get it; he is smart and nice and adorable," she said smiling at me to comfort me.

"Well, I thought because you like him, you wouldn't be comfortable," I said.

"Hey, who said I liked him," she said laughing it off.

But Violet looked away because she knew she told me.

"Violet!" Said y/n laughing "I don't like-like him; I just like him as a friend, not more."

"But you think he is cute," said Violet.

"Yes, he is, but we are just friends," said y/n.

"Is he your first love?" I asked.

"I told you I do NOT like him," She said falling back on the bed.

"Yea yea sorry," I said.

"What about you, Violet, do you like someone?" Y/n asked.

"Nope," she answered.

"But I know someone who likes her," I said, teasing her.

"Shut it, will you?" Violet said, blushing slightly.

"Wait, what?" said y/n.

"Yeah, Duncan," I told her.

"Duncan Quagmire likes Violet Baudelaire!" She said. "I SHIP it!"

We all laughed, and after a while, we fell asleep.


Yes, guys, I support Dunclet. It's not that Quiglet isn't cute, but I prefer Dunclet, and Quigley is not going to stay lonely, I promise.

A misadventures in babysitting ( klaus Bauldelair x reader)  endingWhere stories live. Discover now