Chapter 3 : The Bashful Babysitter

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You can weare something else if you like

Your POV

There you were, on the front steps of the house from
The newspaper. The home of the Bauldelaire orphans.

Even though you knew only fools believed the words  of the Daily Punctillo, you couldn't help but be nervous about what you would find behind the front door. You fidgeted nervously, turning the button of the cardigan you ware  wearing. You chuckled softly when you noticed.You felt like a librarian with your cardigan and your plated skirt with your school bag filed with books  and games, you loved as a child.Which of course wasn't a bad thing you loved  librarians they ware always so helpful not that you needed help whit finding a book but they would always come and asked if they could help.

You took a deep breath and knocked on the door.

After a moment, it opened, revealing a young woman standing in the doorway. Her dark hair streamed down her back, and her bangs completed her olive skin and her blue eyes. She smiled warmly at you.

"Hello! You must be the babysitter right?"

You nodded shyly. She smiled again and held her hand out for you to shake it.

" Come inside."

The inside of the house was, in a word, minimalist.
Except for a red velvet loveseat, a wooden end table, and shelves holding haphazard piles of books and various odd end that seem to have no purpose, the room was bare save a nice, soft-looking carpet.

The  young woman turned back to you.

"I'll go get my siblings. You don't mind waiting do you?"

You shook your head and she promptly disappeared.

While waiting, you observed the house. It was clear the family had a keen eye for simple, yet elegant decoration. You admired the wood planeling., then wandered to the end table, which had two framed pictures on it. One of the woman and three children you assumed they ware her siblings, and a another of a group of people standing outside of a factory and smiling brightly. The picture was grainy, sow you took a closer look-

The girl came back into the room carrying a blond baby on her hip. Her brother held another toddler the same way, one with brown hair and big brown eyes. Startled, you backed away from the picture, and  began to stutter.

"I-I'm  sow s-sow sorry.... I-I was just admiring your picture..."

The blond toddler jabbered something.

"What my sister means is don't worry about it."


"I'm Violet." The young woman said." " And these are my siblings, Klaus." She gestured to the only boy, who looked to be around your age and you found yourself wondering if you could babysit him instead. You almost directly shook that idee out of your mind.
"Sunny," the blond toddler waved to you and smiled, "Beatrice." The younger of the two toddlers gurgled and stretched her hands out to touch you.

"Wow, someone is a people person!" You laughed, and the boy, Klaus, handed Beatrice off to you.

"Yeah, Bea is a very friendly baby." Violet explained.

"I see!"

The two of you shared a chuckle. The older toddler squirmed in her  sister's arms, and, upon being released, ran up to you and hugged your leg.

"Looks like you've already made a good first impression." Klaus remarked. You lifted your head from watching Sunny and smiled at him. He turned slightly pink.

Sunny babbled something.

"Sunny..." Klaus hissed under his breath, "pipe down ..."

Confused, you turned to Violet. She shrugged tough she completely understood what Sunny was implying.Klaus cleared his throat to brake the sudden silence.

"I'm sorry," he apologized, " But we really should be going.Violet is doing a demonstration and I'm already late to a lecture..."

"I understand." You said, fighting the urge to hide your disappointment. The eldest Bauldelaire seemed comforting somehow. And Klaus seemed... well...

Violet and Klaus had already made there way to the door while you ware lost in your thoughts.

"Oh, and one more thing: Sunny bites."

"She does what?"

"Bites." Violet repeated. " But she doesn't bite people,
usually, see you at then!"

And with that, the two eldest Bauldelaires ware gone.

A misadventures in babysitting ( klaus Bauldelair x reader)  endingWhere stories live. Discover now