Chapter 21: The Realasetion

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Violet POV

I walked out of my room just too see Is and Javier kiss and tell each other something and than hug.

" wel that is not what I expected too see when I woke up." I said looking disgusted at them.

The both turned to me speechless.

" but I do need too need to admit it that I do kind of ship it." Is said walking pas them too make some toast.

" ow you don't neem to ship it anymore." Said Javier

" She doesn't?" Said Isadora confused

I knew was gone happend and boy I was happy

he turned to face her and said the iconic Line "  Isadora will you be my girlfriend."

" yes yes." She said jumping up and down. She put her hand around his neck and he around her hips

" get a room." I heard grumpy y/n say. Yes she isn't in the best temper when she wakes up. She came next to me and ate the toast I made for her.

" What's that all about." she asked.

" too be completely honest I just walked in en boom now they are a couple." I answered

Duncan joined us too while the too love birds ware doing there business. We ware all talking how cringe it was.soon after that Quigley joined us also really confused. And ofc klaus slept in like he always did.


klaus slept in so they asked me if I could wake him up.

I walked in his room, I walked very slowly to his bed. I stood there looking at him. It was the first time I had seen him like this with his messy hair end without his glasses. He was laying on his side with his dark blue blanket rapped around him. I bent down next too him.

" klaus......" I said softly

" Klaus" I said a bit louder whilst softly rubbing his check with the back of my finger.

He slowly but surely opend his eyes. He mad a little noise.

" good morning Klaus." I said whit a little smile on my face. He stretched a bit and than looked at me.

"Good morning ." He said looking in mine

I chuckled a bit while avoiding the eye contact.

He laughed whit me. He made his eyes wider and tried too make eye contact with me too tease me. We laughed. He came out of his bed and put on his glasses.

" hey, Klaus I'm going too the kitchen we are waiting for you there okey."

" yes see you." He said

I went too the kitchen and sat next too everyone when I saw Cedar. Too be completely honest I forgot she existed. Even if she slept in the same room as us.

" good morning y/n." She said smiling at me.

I looked at her for one split second and then looked away letting her know I didn't approve of her.

Klaas came in and sat next too me.

"Hey guys, what did I miss." He said whilst taking a peace of toast.

" more than you think buddy."said Duncan.

A misadventures in babysitting ( klaus Bauldelair x reader)  endingWhere stories live. Discover now