Chapter 8 : The Real Me

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So, when the Baudelaires were with Count Olaf, I was hiding in Miss. Strauss' house. Then when the Baudelaires were with Uncle Monty, I was hiding in the bushes the whole time. With Aunt Josephine, I was hiding behind a rock. At the mill, I was one of the workers. At Prufrock, I was a student, and I was friends with the Quagmires. With Esme, I was living next door. Crow Village, I lived there too. At the hospital, I was a patient. And at the carnival, I jumped in the car to go to the carnival, and then I was hiding with Olivia. When they found Quigley, I was a scouting member but never got captured. And with Fiona, I was with Kit, and I was already at the hotel, so when they arrived, I was a client. And on the Island, I was hiding too.

So, yes, I followed them everywhere. Not in a creepy way, but my dad asked me to. He said, "You are the only one I can trust to prevent them from getting hurt." He couldn't go because he would get caught. I was a teen. I was less suspicious.

Klaus P.O.V

"Snicket?!" Did she just say Snicket?

"No, my name is Snikers."

I really hoped she would be a Snicket.

"Do you have hobbies?" I asked her.

"Well, actually I do. I read, and I do ballet. You?"

"I read and take care of my sisters," I said.

We heard something fall in front of the house. It was nothing small.

"What is it?" I asked.

"I wish I knew."

Your P.O.V

I took my bag and ran outside.

"Y/n, stay here!" he said.

"Klaus, I need to go see what it is," I answered.

"No," he said while running next to me. " We both need to see what it is."

"Okay then come," I said.

"It's the self-sustaining hot air mobile home. Isadora! Duncan! Quigley!" He said screaming, almost breaking my hearing.

"Maybe we should look in the boat," I replied.

"Yes, okay, good idea. How do you know there is a boat?" he answered. "I didn't, just a guess," I said, quickly realizing the error I had just made.

We tried to look around. I felt a hand grab me. I turned the hand, and I pushed the person on the ground, took the dagger in my bag, and put it to the throat of the person.

"Duncan?" I said when I noticed who it was.

"Y/n?" he replied.

"Ow, I'm so sorry Duncan," I said while helping him up.

"Where is Isadora?" I asked.

"Follow me," he said. We went inside the boat and saw Isadora sleeping on her bed.

"How can she sleep?" Klaus asked.

"I don't know." He went up to her. "Waky waky."

She opened her eyes and said, "Why did yo- y/n!?" She jumped up and hugged me. I don't like hugs, but I did miss her. "Omg Y/n, I have missed you so much. I have so much to tell you. By the way, I hope you don't mind me stealing your clothes; they are so cute." She said looking me up and down. "Have you grown! I could have sworn I was taller than you when I last saw you." She said.

"That will have to wait. But yeah, I have actually." I heard somebody say something, and it wasn't Klaus nor Duncan. I turned around and saw a boy who looked just like Duncan but his hair was styled differently.

"Is that who I think it is." I asked with a smile not believing who it was.

"It sure is." Isadora said happily. " Quigley, I want you to meet y/n; she was the one who told us you were maybe still alive."

"It's a pleasure meeting you Y/N." He said handing me his hand to shake it.

"The pleasure is all mine." I said shaking his hand and smiling because I wasn't believing what was happening.

"Y/n! Y/n where are you!" I heard Klaus scream. He went down the stairs.

"Klaus I'm here." I said.

He ran to me and hugged me. I stood there shocked. I blushed like crazy. Isadora was chuckling. He let me go. I saw he was blushing too when he realized what he had done. I smiled.

"Y/n I was so worried, don't do that again." he said out of breath.

"I won't I said smiling at the ground."

"Isadora, Duncan, Quigley!" He shouted

"Hello." They all said together.

We all went back in the house and sat on the couch. We were all happy to be together.


Hey guys, I know this chapter is a long one and a lot has happened. I just feel weird if Klaus and you are in love after a day. But don't worry the romance will come.

Also, I want to thank you for the 214 reads. :)

A misadventures in babysitting ( klaus Bauldelair x reader)  endingWhere stories live. Discover now