Chapter 19: The Night Everything Changed

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POV  Javier

I suddenly opend my eyes I was deeply asleep but for one or a other reason I opend my eyes I tried too sleep but couldn't.So I put my feet on the ground and tried to make no nose so that the boys wouldn't wake up. I made it out, I walked too the living room and sat in the couch. I did not know what to do so I just sat there looking around. There was a big window in the roof and I looked up and saw the sky, I looked at the stars. Oops I fell asleep in the couch right now it was about 4 in the morning. I stood up and walked too the kitchen. Almost everything was made out of dark wood. I took a glass of water and filled it when, I turned around I saw Isadora standing there. At first I was shocked but then I gave her a side smile and said " hey"

" hey." She said softly I could see her cheeks turning slightly pinker I was honderd.

" love, what are you doing up so late." I asked

When I said that I saw her beautiful brown eyes widen a bit.
" I couldn't sleep. You?"

" me yes same as you." I said

I walked over too the couch and sat down. And Isadora followed me and sat down too.

I looked at here wow ware here eyes beautiful in the moon light I mean they always ware but wow just wow.

I think I started a bit too long because she said "why are you looking at me lik that ." She said it in a rather soft way.

" because the moonlight make your eyes look beautiful
, they always are but here they are like stars."

She blinked a few times and then looked down and thanked me.

I could she she was trying not to fall asleep so I shuffled myself so I could come closer too here so she could put her head on my shoulder. And that's what she did. But when she putten here head on my shoulder she looked up at me and closed her eyes. My eyes slowly drifted away too. After a few minutes I woke up again. I moved and picked her up and laid her on the couch. After that I took a blanket that was on a love seethe and covered her up whit it. I walked to go to my room when I heard a soft voice say " Javier stay ." She said still laying but looking at me. I smiled and joined here. We moved a bit so we  sat comfortably. Her head was on my chest and I was holding her hips.

He dark brown hair was spread all over my chest and it smelled like lavender. She looked so cute and peaceful when she slept. Eventually I fell asleep.

A misadventures in babysitting ( klaus Bauldelair x reader)  endingWhere stories live. Discover now