Chapter 6 : The Emergency

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Sunny and you sat on the couch with Beatrice next to you. You played poker together and it was very fun.
"Good job Sunny, you won again. Sunny do you need any help to prepare for bed?"

"Nope Thanku."


While Sunny was preparing herself to go to bed you did the dishes and Beatrice was playing in a dollhouse.

When you finished cleaning you went up to Beatrice " Beatrice I am very sorry to interrupt you but you need to go to bed." Beatrice put the doll down in the dollhouse, and followed you. But little did she know she pushed the emergency button that Violet made  in case there was something wrong.

You came in the room. It  had one wooden bed white, pink and purple blanket, and a white basinet. Sunny was already sitting on the bed. You gently put Beatrice in the basinet. Sunny jumped of the bed and walked to a wooden shelf and took a book that was on there.
She walked up to you, and gave you a book. The title of the book was bedtime stories. You opened the book and the story was Peter Pan.

"One of my favorites"

Violet p.o.v.

"Violet, Violet my bracelet is vibrating."

I grabbed his arm and, and we ran to the closet bus-top.

"I hope they aren't in to much trouble."

" I hope to Violet."

Your P.O.V

I read them the story.
"And than they came home whit a flying ship.The End"
You said smiling because they fel asleep. It was 8:30, so you took the book you ware reading it was Lord Of The Rings.

You ware reading when suddenly, the door of the room opend. You sat there frozen on your chair. " ahhhh!!"
" Violet? Klaus?" You said while standing up.

" Sorry to interrupt your reading." Said Klaus smiling

You melted inside " Ow uh, don't worry about it." You said and Violet didn't miss the slight blush.

"You know your sister, Sunny, she is a great cook."

"Thanku, we never catched your name." Said Violet

"I never threw it."

I heard Klaus chuckle.

"My name is y/n. Maybe we should go in the other room I don't want to wake up your sister's."

We all walked to the other room.

They gave me the money we all said goodbye.
It was raining.

"Will you be alright out there in the rain." Violet asked.

"Yes my bus comes in 2 minutes"

"Are you sure you don't want to wait I inside." Klaus asked.

You wanted to stay with  them but if you missed your bus your dad would not be happy.
"Yes, Thank u for you kindness." walked away from the house and waved one last time.

there was a bus-stop not far from there home. You took out your phone to read a fan fiction, you also took out your glasses that protect your eyes from the blue light. Ow there was the bus, you hoped on, and looked at the home.

Klaus P.O.V. I stood there for two minutes to see if she was going to be alright. She took out glasses and a phone. And then her bus came. I looked at her sitting in the bus ow God she looked beautiful with here glasses on. It were thin black circle glasses. I closed the door mand turned around.

 I closed the door mand turned around

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" you like her don't you."

" No, I don't she is just cute. That is all."

"Yes, yes." Violet said smirking. Sunny sat beside her raising a eyebrow.

"Shouldn't you be asleep." I said

Sunny ran to her room.

A misadventures in babysitting ( klaus Bauldelair x reader)  endingWhere stories live. Discover now