Chapter 18: The Acquaintance.

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She had everything prepared, the only thing I needed too do was make my bags and sit in a car. I looked out the window he land scape was not very fascinating. Almost all the trees ware dead and there ware no birds.It was sad. So I took my drawing book and drew and drew and drew. We finally arrived and I put my drawing book and pencil back in my bag. I walked out I could feel the little rock's under my feet. My driver gave me my suitcase. I thanked him and walked over too the little grocery shop Esmeé had made. I pushed the door open and I saw Esmeé and Carmelita.

" there you are." Said Esmeé.

" Hello." I said.

" so this is gone be the story and they are gone arrive in a hour. Good luck." She said and then they all left. I had nothing too do so I looked around for a bit I decided I was gone change my skirt for a some jeans. I did that ow and this is what I was wearing btw.

 I did that ow and this is what I was wearing btw

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I was happy whit my outfit. I was sitting in a chair when I heard the front door open I looked and saw 4 boys walk in in had glasses the other one was tall and than there ware too who looked the same but one had longer hair. I walked too then and asked them if they needed any help most of them ignored me except the one whit longer hair. He was a pretty boy tok be completely honest. He told me about his friends and sister and I played along. So we takes and takes but, the he asked me if I wanted too join them and I agreed. I was in whit them but little did I know that was the begging of a hole new chapter.

A misadventures in babysitting ( klaus Bauldelair x reader)  endingWhere stories live. Discover now