Chapter 29: I will always be there for you just not where you are. Like a ghost.

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Quigley took the first step out of the ship.

He looked back at us and smiled. We all followed him.I was the last one too step out.
We al ware so happy.

" what now?" Said cedar.

" we try and find there parents. My dad send them a letter." Said y/n.

They all started walking. I started too but I flat cold hand grabbing my wrist. I turned around it was y/n.

"Look I~ I want you to know that I' m not sure if you're parents are going to be there. And I am sorry to make this moment sad but I don't want you to feel sad around the other's ." She said while holding my hand for comfort.

" But there is a possibility right- right." I said a bit stressed and in pain.

" I-I really don't know." She answered.
I hugged her I was crying on her back.

" ow Klaus." She said while rubbing my back.
" Klaus it will be alright I know it is hard." She said almost shedding a tear.

" why are you crying." I asked whilst stopping to hug her and still crying.

" I don't know I am just really emotional alright." She said while smiling and we both laughed.whe staid like that a while and when are tears ware dry we catched up with the rest.

A misadventures in babysitting ( klaus Bauldelair x reader)  endingWhere stories live. Discover now