chapter 92

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With unstable breath, Swetha looked at her apartment in bewilderment. The whole living room looks like a disaster.

Like realising something Suddenly her eyes widened, "Priya", she shouted and ran inside.

She frantically searched through all the rooms yelling Priya's name.

"She's not here. Where is she? ", She murmured dejectedly.

Did her worries came true? Did she taken by that bastard?

She shouldn't have left her alone? But she left her alone all because of this fool who's keenly looking at the door lock. She believed that he will protect her. From the moment she came, he's been silently walking around the house, like he has all the time in his hands.

Looking at him, even though he's not the culprit, she felt her temper is raising.

"You", she pointed her finger at him,
"where is Priya? It's because of you I left her alone. if not_"

"Shut up", Damon yelled back making her stop in her mid-sentence.

"priya isn't abducted .she must be safe somewhere"

"what? how can you say that?", Swetha in astonishment. her eyes sparkled with unconcealable relief and joy.

He pointed out the lock still looks intact without any traces of broken.

"they must have smoothly entered the apartment without making any noise so in case Priya was here she would have been caught unprepared. so there is not much chance that she could escape from him in case if she's here. But look around", he spread his arms and pointed at a broken glass table, shoe rack and the whole room mess, "it looks like that idiot was in a rage that's why he broke everything whatever comes in his line of sight"

"Just with this alone how can you conclude"

he steadily walked around the mess consciously not touching any things lying on the floor," about what he was in range the answer is obvious ", he continued in gritted teeth," he couldn't able to get priya", Damon pointed at the 2 feet broken glass shoe rack which consists of pairs of fluffy slippers lying together in disorder manner," only the house wear footwears are placed here right"

Swetha nodded.

"for further confirmation, check any slippers were missing here"

Swetha crouched down and hastily racked the whole shoe rack," all six pairs are here. whenever we get inside our flat we would change into one of these slippers. only when we leave would again neatly place those back ", she stood up with a mild smile," then she must have gone out when that idiot came here right", her eyes dimmed again, "what if that bastard knew where she went"

"I've been trying to reach her phone for a long time but she didn't pick up. It means "

"she left her phone in home itself when she went out", Swetha completed his sentence.

"that's right we don't have time. call her phone, quick", Damon definitely won't tell her that he's confident that Priya's phone is here because of the GPS tracker app he previously installed in her phone.

she frantically nodded and dialled Priya's number.

hearing the sound of Priya's ringtone, Swetha ran inside her room, following the sound she found her phone in charging plugged on the socket available near the dressing table.

"let me", without giving her time, Damon who is following behind her unplugged the phone from the charger and hurriedly unlocked the phone with the password.

"you even know her password. don't you think you are evading her privacy"

"There is no such thing as privacy between lovers and she too knew my phone password. oh wait why am I even explaining this to you, you're single you can't understand this thing"

'Swetha relax. now is not the time to lose your cool', Swetha took a deep breath and calmed herself down,' just wait demon Damon ill soon get my revenge from you.', Swetha thought glaring at him.

Damon doesn't know that time with his bragging he dug a pit for future, he would regret it deeply.

Damon immediately surfed the call log and found numerous missed calls in his name and Swetha's name. But just 15 min before these calls she attended a call from an unknown number and she spoke with this person for accurately 58 seconds.

But why this number seems to be a little familiar.

He immediately called William.

"Will, is the situation better there?"

"Yes. None dead and your father is handling everything better than you"

"Good. Now I'll send one number. This one seems very familiar So quickly ask your team to find who owns it and .....also what about the security team I requested", the moment when he noticed that two cars are tailing him itself he requested two teams of highly trained bodyguards.

"Yup I'll make them look into it. Soon The team will arrive at your location"


"Wait. What about Priya? Is she safe?"

"She is. I'll make sure of it", Damon ended the call and anxiously started to pace around the room.

A few minutes later

leaning on Priya's dress cupboard, Swetha wearily looked at Damon who is going through Priya's dressing table in the name of investigation ..right now he is the only one who can help her to find priya so she can't do much against him. that doesn't mean she will stand still when this demon tries to touch Priya's not-touchable things. one of the richest man on the earth is right now intently gazing at Priya's hair clips like looking at one of the rarest treasures in the world. Swetha mentally cringed, 'no one is normal around priya. when I find her back ill better take her away from all this psychos'

~ring ~

"yes William ", Damon immediately attended the call

"what!!!.....send me their location now!...... Wait you mean they are in this building"

Hearing his conversation, Swetha's relieved mind agitated again. They? Who's she with? They are in this building? Is she placed captivated in this building? Lots of thriller action movie scenes started to replay in her mind.

"What are you waiting for? Come on let's search this building.", Holding the hem of her evening gown in her hand, Swetha again frantically marched outside.

Sorry, it's been a while I updated. now my health has improved tremendously thanks to Siddha med and changing of food habits and took me many years to understand one thing that our bad lifestyle today will definitely reflect back as disease tomorrow. I may not personally know who are all reading this book but as a fellow human being, I kindly request you  please start making effort to improve your lifestyle 🙏 by doing this you may overcome lots of problems in future especially if you're a girl 💃 .

Anyway, It also took me some time to research and all. before proceeding further what do you guys things about past life?some  Souls trying to find each other in their next birth? Recently I've been immersed in these types of books.

I believe in these concepts of reincarnation, karma and all. what about you guys?

From the next chapter, our story may take another turn 😉.it seems it's going the story is not going to end so soon.

The next chapter will be on Monday. this time confidently you can expect update on Sunday 🙈

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