chapter 8

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" Omg, did I got into the wanted list? what crime did I do? I won't kill anyone. you know about me right sweetie..if they put in jail means what I'm gonna do? I just wanna start my carrier and live my life peacefully hereafter.." while I was kept on rambling I saw her trying hard to suppress her smile.


"your lying right?"I asked her while glaring at her murderously.

"no, I didn't lie .ofcourse I told the truth"


"but one small correction"

"again correction ah"I sighed at her 4th correction ." your best suited to be a teacher then working in the corporate sector" I murmured quietly to myself.

"what did you told?"

"nothing...proceed with your correction mam"

"I heard you.anyway you got into the wanted list of the great Damon"
"huh... Who is Damon?"
She gave me 'are you kidding me' look.
"seriously. He's one of the most eligible billionaire in New York"
"oh" I felt relieved that I'm not in any wanted crime list and I don't care about this Damon or demon whatever he maybe .right now I'm interested in this handsome man who seems to be amused by looking at our interaction.
"okay. Who is this blue eyes man?" I asked while pointing at him with curiosity.
Hearing my question he chuckled.
"I know you are in love with my eyes. But I never would have thought you'd forget me totally. It hurts me so much", he told with keeping his hand above his heart pretending to be in pain.
I blinked at him.seeing my confusion both my best friend and him sighed.
"I told you know that I'll introduce you to my childhood friend Adam regarding your job," said Swetha.
My eyes widen when realization dawned on me.

Did I speak anything inappropriate to him? Omg, he's the one who's gonna create my future in New York. What have I done? I can't even able to face him.

With pleading eyes I looked at her. Without words, just with my eyes, I conveyed her my message 'did I screw up' by pointing towards him.
She also slowly closed her eyes and slowly nodded while conveying 'yes. You definitely screwed up'.

Seeing our interaction the man started to laugh with clear enjoyment.
In order to change the subject, I asked her, "what happened next?"
"I left you for few minutes in order to receive him but when we returned, we saw you dancing in the pole and being the center of attention of the whole club especially men," she told dramatically.

"that also not a problem. What we saw next is the major heart attack to me"

Now I'm getting a very bad premonition.
"what did I do"
"you were caressing the great Damon's legs for christ sake."
"what?" I yelled with confusion. I'm a woman who will definitely won't get near men. Why did I do that?
"then what happened?" I asked for grabbing the situation clearly.
"then he pulled you in his arms. It seemed like you both were having some lovers quarrel. I can't able to hear you guys clearly. Later you passed out in his arms"

"I have never been so careless in my life, "I mumbled to myself

"then he.." Swetha tried to tell something but Adam interrupted her by telling

"then I carried you back home" while giving some look to Swetha.

they seem to be hiding something from me.

what are they hiding?

who is this Damon? what happened between us?

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