chapter 36

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Friends, sorry for a delayed update I'm really busy with my exams recently and this time I published a long chapter as per your wishes. enjoy😉

Priya's POV

He took a deep breath and calmed himself.

Be calm calm.

" then why did you looked at him intently ?" he said while looking at me with hidden rage.

When did I look at him intently? Oh .did he mean the murdering look which I gave him.this demon!!

"That time I was glaring at him", I said while glaring at Damon too.

He lowered his gaze like thinking something. after a minute he again looked at me and shouted," looked at him intently ".this time I didn't saw any rage in his eyes, I can tell that after realizing his mistake he seems to be covering it up.

" no, I'm not "

"Yes you are", seriously he's throwing tantrum like a child towards me, to me, who is the true child compared to this demon.

" no, I'm not"

"Yes you are "

"Naan Illa da", I said without thinking. (no I'm not)

(Da is the informal term to refer men )

" What did you say, "he said while narrowing his eyes.

"I just said my previous words in my mother tongue ", I said while lowering my eyes.

"I don't believe you. if you don't prove to me the meaning behind your words then "he moved towards my neck and took a deep breath.

Why he's behaving like a dog?

He continued, " ill punish you sweetly ", he said and kissed me there.

I gasped and my whole body became completely stilled.I'm electrocuted again.i felt a sweet current flowed from the place where he kissed spreading warmly towards my whole body. what is this feeling?

I never felt something like this before.this is wrong.

I immediately pushed him away from me with all my might, But my push didn't even move him an inch away from me. he became even closer.

appa nee pothi pothi valatha un ponnukkitta intha demon advantage eduthukkuran ( dad, this demon is taking advantage to the girl whom you brought up so protectively)

Whatever situation happened he's completely changing it into his favor and taking advantage of me.

" I'm waiting ", he said against my neck, while his hot breath against my neck giving goosebumps to my whole body. Oh my God, this demon is really dangerous.

" i_ i_ ill google it and show you .if you m_move back a little only i_i can take my phone from my dress pocket ", shit now I'm even losing my pride because of him.

" my bad", he whispered while moving his away from my neck, gave little space for me to take my phone, keeping his hands securely around my waist .seriously is he not gonna move away from me. my whole personal space is now invaded by him.

Feeling nervous with his intense stare on my face, with shaking hands I took my phone and showed him the meaning of Tamil word 'illa'.

"See illa means no ", I said showing my phone to him," now can you let me go".

I purposely left out the word 'da', knowing well that word is disrespect to used against the boss.

Still in the same position with narrow eyes, he asked, "what about the word da?"

This man is really sharp like a knife.

Come on priya samali.
(Cover up)

I awkwardly laughed to cover up my lie which I'm gonna sprout," da is the formal term to refer a male ", I said with my fake smiling face.

When he didn't look convinced I continued," likewise di is the formal term to refer a female", and shrugged my shoulder slightly.

"Priya why do I feel like your hiding something to me?hmm", he said with a low voice while bringing his face closer to me.his eyes darted from eyes to my lips.his hands around my waist lightly caressed it sending goosebumps to my whole body.his closeness is making something to me.this beautiful demon is crushing my walls with just his eyes alone.

~ring ring ~

Hearing the ringing tone of his phone I heaved a big relief but He closed his eyes and grunted while taking his phone from his pocket.

When I tried to open my mouth to ask him to move away from me, he immediately pressed the answer button with a smirk, while still maintaining eye contact with me.

This sly devil.

He purposely answered to close my mouth.

" yes dad"

Oh my God, its Mr.james.I clamped my mouth shut to avoid being misunderstood by my former boss.

He grinned mischievously at my reaction.

Wow.he is like a handsome teenager with that grin on his face.

Shit.priya focus.

When I came back from my daze I saw him smirking at me. Shit.he caught me staring at him.

Wait.why I'm getting some bad premonition.

"Dad I can't attend it. you know I'm very busy", he said while moving his head near my neck.

Busy man.un thala.

(Your head)

In his closeness, I can't even hear what he's speaking on the phone. Even though I can hear the clear voice of Mr.james from the phone. I can't able to understand even a single word. now all my consciousness is only on Damon who is now moving his nose slowly from my neck area towards my shoulder.while doing so he is lightly sniffing my scent.

Seriously, is he a dog?

I strongly believe in his last birth, he must be a dog.

When his head turned towards my shoulder, his soft hair started to tickle my neck. Oh my, I'm already very ticklish. I started to squirm in his hold, he firmly gripped my waist to stop me from moving.

Oh my God,d this is torture .his hair is tickling me to death. when I tried to move my hands to close my mouth to avoid leaking any sound .he immediately caught my restless hands and bound it behind my back, at the same time pushing my body closer to him.i can't control anymore. an involuntary scream escaped my mouth.


"Damon...Is that priya ", suddenly I heard the amused voice of Mr.james from the other end of the phone.

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