chapter 76

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Priya giggled to herself while looking at the frustrated face of Damon. .Today he is looking very handsome wearing that formal Wear so she can't help but getting a few quick side glance at him.but whenever she steeled glances she noticed that his heated gaze perfectly placed on her not only that throughout his eyes now and then impatiently kept on shifting over the entrance and his watch.  is he waiting for someone?

"Princess concendate(concentrate ) ", Lucas said while moving her chin towards him.

"Sorry my baby ", Priya said while squeezing him to her embrace.

Lucas nodded with a pleased smile.

"My cute little gentleman", Priya giggled while nuzzling her nose with the boy's cute little nose.

"Princess ", Lucas complained.

"Oops. My handsome little gentleman, happy", she smiled while hugging the milky fragrant boy in her lap.

"Correct ", Lucas nodded while hiding his blushing face in Priya's neck.

Priya hugged him with a serene, contented look in her face. This is how it feels like to hold an innocent little ball. Just having him in her arms making her forget all her worries in life.

She looked at Swetha who's playing rock paper scissor with Luke.

Luke easily gets attached to Swetha too. But the little adult man in her arms even though acknowledged swetha still didn't open up to her completely. Anyway soon he will open up just like how he did with her too.

*Footsteps sound*

"Master Damon, Mr.hayes is here", Benjamin said in a professional tone and moved aside showing the figure a man standing behind him.

After completing his task Benjamin went back.

Hearing the name of the guest Everyone stopped whatever they were doing.

Grey walked in confidently like a man who owned the place,  Wearing casual white t-shirt and jeans, with his usual intense intimidating Aura around him.

Grey walked in confidently like a man who owned the place,  Wearing casual white t-shirt and jeans, with his usual intense intimidating Aura around him

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Swetha who is happily playing rock paper scissor with Luke stilled.

'indha per engayo ketta madhiri irukuthae', Swetha thought turning around to see the guest.

It seems like I heard this name somewhere

Her eyes widened seeing the familiar handsome face, which she had been punching for the last few days. What he's doing here? How did he came here perfectly when she's here? How can this coincidence possible?

While she's still in shock, Grey's eyes met hers, like knowing her inner thoughts his lips slowly evoked a slight arc, his eyes glinted darkly.

Swetha glared at him. She guessed right he came here knowing very well she's here.

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