chapter 48

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Priya felt like electrocuted, with widened eyes she looked at the closed eyes of Damon, who is looking like having a good dream. She felt current passing throughout her whole body from the soft and warm object in her lips. She stood like a statue with firmly closed lips and accepted the warm current in a trance.

So this is how it feels like being kissed.

At first, he just pressed his lips to hers.after a few seconds, Like savoring a rare dish, Damon nibbled her upper lip followed by her lower lips with utmost gentleness.he has to control his inner desires. At this moment he just wants to kiss this soft lips senselessly. His already hunger for her seems to grow to a new height .he wanted to do much more but for god sake, he has to control himself.

Damon control.control. a little taste won't be a problem right.

When Priya felt him lick her lips, she came out of her dazed state.

Shit just like that she was easily seduced by this demon

She immediately started to struggle desperately in his embrace, which didn't move him even an inch.his lips are still pasted to hers and his hands are still locking her in place.

Priya think.think.oh yeah, she forgot that today she's having ladies' greatest weapon.

With her high heels, she stomped his right foot with full force.

"Ahhh", Damon left her while holding his poor leg.

"Fuck... Priya hurts "

"Dei..demon..evlo dheiriyum irundha Tamil ponnu mela Kai vechurupa ", she said while pulling the collar of the limping Damon.

(How dare you to keep your hands on the Tamil girl?)


"You monkey! You also took my first kiss ", Priya said while shaking his collar in both hands.
"Really! "

~ring~ ~ring~

Priya shoved him back and picked her fallen phone. When she saw Swetha's caller ID, while holding one hem of the long gown, She immediately walked towards her apartment in hurried steps. After taking five steps she looked back, where she saw Damon looking at herself, with a goofy smile while holding his injured leg.

She again went back and punched him on his right cheek while shouting, "poda panni",  and ran away like her tail is on fire.

(Get lost! you pig!)

Looking at the escaping figure, Damon smiled like a fool, holding his beaten cheek, which felt like a kitten scratch for him.her scolding which he couldn't understand even one word and her cute beating felt like a reward to him.

Lightly touching his lips, Damon laughed to himself. It's worth it.

After shaking his stomped legs, he happily moved towards his car and started it silently, he didn't want to wake up the sleeping devil.

Sitting leisurely in the hall sofa, James looked at his son who is steadily walking towards himself with his usual indifferent face, while carrying his grandson Luke. Even though his face cold as always, he can see his corner of lips is perked up and he also has happy vibes around him.

Did my son steal any kiss today?

"Dad, tomorrow what's the plan "

"Huh, I told you before right. It's regarding the starlight project "

Damon's eyes narrowed coldly.

James felt cold chills in his back. What an ungrateful son he has. anyway, it's better he calls his wife for help.

"Wife, your favorite son is here "

"My sweet baby, when did you come back? Did u had dinner ?", Lisa said while warmly hugging him.

"Not yet mom", he answered in a soft tone.

James snorted. From a young age, this boy would act as a tamed demon only in front of his mother. even though he loves his family, he won't show it in his face except for his mother.

"It's already so late, still my birthday boy didn't eat his dinner ", she said kissing his forehead.

"Come on, let's eat dinner ", she said carrying the sleeping Luke from his arms.

"mom, tomorrow what's the plan ",Damon asked his mother softly with a smiling innocent face.

James thought,' fuck.his wife will definitely fall for his tricks'

Lisa looked mesmerized at her son's charming, smiley face.

"Tomorrow, at 5 pm we're celebrating your birthday party at our beach guest there on time son. now, follow me ", she said walking towards the dining room.

Damon followed his mom obediently, after taking two steps, he turned back and gave an evil smirk to his frowning father and continued to walk forward.

After Damon left, James laughed happily. He is happy that his wooden son is behaving more human's definitely true that love is the best medicine in the world. Even though he and his wife showed immense love and care for him, he never became attached to anyone. even though Damon remained cold outside, James can feel his restlessness to find something . from birth, he gave Damon everything without him asking, but nothing seemed to change his always indifferent face. sometimes he even wondered that in future his son will choose the path of the monk, and become completely detached from human feelings.

Now he's satisfied, that his son started to love someone. Due to which he's showing lots of new emotions.

(Soon I'll update the next chapter. In the Next chapter his party will start, where the plot will move forward with new mysteries.

But there is one thing I want to share with you friends. Even though each chapter has above 500 views , why the votes still remain around 50.i'm always thankful that I have best readers, but its still disheartening😔 to see this huge difference.this votes will always give us a great feeling of hope and  encouragement to write. )

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